Re: Erreurs version AdwCleaner


Les problèmes devraient être corrigés avec la nouvelle version ( Suivez ce lien pour la télécharger :


Re: probléme de mise a jour (Probléme of putting has in the daytime)


Nous allons essayer de régler le problème, voici la marche à suivre :

  1. Lancez AdwCleaner et refusez la mise à jour ;
  2. Dans le menu en haut à gauche, choisissez Fichier > Désinstaller ;
  3. Ensuite, téléchargez à nouveau AdwCleaner en suivant ce lien :


Re: AdwCleaner not a valid application


I'm currently not able to reproduce this issue.

What's your web browser?

Can you please try again by following this link:


AdwCleaner not a valid application

dans AdwCleaner par dschulze

My AdwCleaner ( says the program is out of date, and it leads me to to get a new version ( However when I download that version my OS says it's not a valid Win32 application.

I am running Windows 7 Home 32-bit.

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Chester

Signed in just to show support for all the windows embedded POSReady systems based on XP out there, which are still being updated until april 2019.

Why is that every single person thinks that if there is an old working machine somewhere it should be definitely full of viruses? That's really annoyin...

Re: Impossible de supprimer Nophilos.exe


[PC] Lista de Tareas Activas. Nom de l'image PID Nom de la sessio Num‚ro de s Utilisation ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ System Idle Process 0 Services 0 24 Ko System 4 Services 0 324 Ko smss.exe 392 Services 0 104 Ko csrss.exe 504 Services 0 2˙092 Ko wininit.exe 560 Services 0 5...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par regist

I already answered that AdwCleaner is intended only to clean adware and nothing more independently what system is infected – XP or newer. To do more with curing - there are many other tools like AVZ (or other from Autologger pack), FRST etc. So it is inappropriately to say that AdwCleaner not support XP because it couldn’t cure more than simply adware in it. And statistics say that exactly adwa...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par regist

What this link is about? You're not working on Microsoft, don't you? Even MBAM supports XP along with other popular anti-viruses and tools.

There is a possibility to realize an XP support in current version. I wrote back in August to fr33tux and sent him screens with explanations on how to add XP support to your project. So for now it seems like a MBAM PR action that you don't want to realize ...

Re: Impossible de supprimer Nophilos.exe

dans AdwCleaner par Destrio5


Attention : tu dois prendre la version compatible avec ton système : 32 ou 64 bits.

32 ou 64 bits - Comment savoir ?

  • Lance FRST (Sous Windows Vista/7/8/10, clic droit sur FRST > Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur).
  • Coche la case Addition.txt.
  • Clique sur le bouton Analyser.
  • Une fois le scan terminé, deux rapports FRS...