Hello everyone!

dans ToolsLib par fiora

Cầm trong tay tiền tỷ từ trúng xổ số thế nhưng người đàn ông vẫn có nguy cơ không được sử dụng số tiền khủng này khi phải đối mặt với phán quyết 40 năm tù giam vì tấn công tình dụng và quỵt tiền.


Pedro Quezada vốn là một người Dominica sống tại Passiac, bang New Jersey, Hoa Kỳ. Trước khi trúng số, gia đình Quezada đã sống tại khu vực của dân lao động ở ngoại ô thành phố New York. Anh thậm c...

Re: infected by reimage plus & pc optimizer pro, please disinfect windows 10 A.S.A.P.

Je sais,

J'ai en plus de ceci

Des cartes sd bootables et d'autres pour mon futur raspberry pi commandé pour noel:

Suspicions de boot error et de capabilité de filmer avec l'appareil-photo sur toutes (winusb win 10 setup, win 10 iot core,  raspbian, framakey mint,   sd de reinitialisation mot de passe w7, ...)

La raspbian d'origine 64 gb passée à 55 mo,  impossible d'étendre aux 64 gb car "n...

Re: Start\Windows icon

dans Clean_DNS par JoshRoss

Have you noticed anything else weird/out of the ordinary on your PC? Can you try booting into Windows "Safe mode with networking" and see if you can do any of the actions through that. Otherwise, I would recommend doing a thorough malware check just in case.

Full and thorough malware check:

1. Restart your PC in “Safe mode with networking.” 2. Install and run RKill to kill malicious processes...

Re: Win10PESE startup

The only way you can boot from the disk itself is through PXE and network booting (Advanced Windows Server things :) ). Any other way is impossible. Ah yes, good point covering RAM totally went out of my head. In general, this seems more like some specific hardware issue than anything else.

Re: Win10PESE startup


Since you're booting from a DVD, the 5 minutes boot time seems reasonable. When you boot from this kind of support/device, a lot of things are loaded in the RAM itself. It also depends on the max speed provided by your disk reader.

Are you suggesting I boot from the ISO itself on disk? If so, I don't know how to do that.

JW01, 2017-08-16 14:20:15 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure it isn't doable...

Re: Win10PESE startup

It all depends on the rig. HDD's are not known to be the fastest at boot times, especially if the system is Windows XP, quite a legacy system right now. Not really sure. If you PC specs are good, then you shouldn't have such long boot times, unless your HDD's are really slow. Did you notice anything else during the boot? Is your WinXP iso image clean? If you got it from a third party, I wouldn'...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning

dans AdwCleaner par jasbg

Hi Again  Made an effort in running Debug - and getting the Log - after latest HangUp of program - in the Heuristic Scanning : -----------------------------------------------------------------------

2017-08-08 23:04:10.094 DEBUG [6148] [MainUI::buttonScanClicked@294] [i] Scan button clicked (-31986) 2017-08-08 23:04:10.095 DEBUG [4460] [MainUI::Entry@1271] [+] Checking for update... 2017-08-08...

Re: Version beta stops when scanning

dans AdwCleaner par jasbg


I see other have responded - that the version - still doesent work  after the latest Windows10 update.   

Your program - is 'the best' / 'fastest'  - Clean Program Ever - therefore hope problem will be solved :)  Thank You Jens H. Nielsen, Denmark 


Nb - I use (have done for years - the free Avast virus protection. Have tried to deactivate Avast - during run - No difference - s...

Re: False positives?

dans AdwCleaner par Clovers

New version rolled in, and I rebooted as it was suggested to me... I still get these results.

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Wed Aug 09 11:59:08 2017 # Updated on 2017/05/08 by Malwarebytes # Database: 08-09-2017.1 # Running on Windows 7 Home Premium (X86) # Mode: scan # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Fo...

Re: More false positives

Hello, never experienced problems with ADWcleaner, what happend since you are Malwarebytes? New CEO? The beta version tells me: PUP.Optional.DriverBooster But i have bought this registered program and installed for years and is not a PUP. Maybe  for someone but nut for me. iTunes for me is a PUP but i need it for my bloody iPad.