Re: Unable to remove some adware


Sorry for the delay.

We'll try to use MBAM hoping it will remove all elements I found in the logfile. Otherwise, we'll remove them "manually" :



  • Download MalwareBytes Anti Malware here.
  • Launch MalwareByte's Anti Malware from your desktop
  • Click on the tab Settings -> Detection & Protection -> PUP/PUM and check "Treat these detections like malware".
  • Tab Exam choose Threats, clic...

Re: virus ask pcconverter


Ok, on va donc supprimer quelques éléments manuellement avant d'utiliser un second logiciel pour nettoyage plus général :


  • Rendez vous sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPFix, puis cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Nicolas Coolman - Télécharger".
  • Enregistrez le fichier où vous le voulez et lancez le (faites le par un clic-droit -> Exécuter en temps qu'administrateur).
  • Laissez vous guid...

Re: AdwCleaner 5.037 becomes unresponsive

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode

Ok I know where is the problem :-)

Can you download the previous version again? I updated it. Delete the file "generic.log" before running it. Then do a scan, and post the content of the new generic.log file which will be created ( pastebin link )


Re: AdwCleaner 5.037 becomes unresponsive

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode

Can you run this specific AdwCleaner version :

Just run a scan. Then you will have a file called "generic.log" inside C:\AdwCleaner. Please post it's content on and give me the link. It will be easier to read than the previous one :-)


Re: AdwCleaner 5.037 becomes unresponsive

dans AdwCleaner par Psajko

I am not an expert, but I see no problems here :

2016-02-28 20:29:52 : [Notice]        Scan started 2016-02-28 20:29:52 : [Success]        Internet connection is UP 2016-02-28 20:29:53 : [Success]        Loaded C:\Users\Zoran\AppData\Local\Temp\sqlite.dll 2016-02-28 20:29:53 : [Success]        Opened C:\Users\Zoran\AppData\Local\Temp\adwcleaner.db 2016-02-28 20:29:53 : [Success]        Databas...

Re: AdwCleaner 5.037 becomes unresponsive

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


Can you run it in debug mode ( Click on "Options" -> "Activate debug mode" ) then run a scan. Even if it crashes, please post the content of the file called "AdwCleaner_dbg_xxx.txt" located under C:\AdwCleaner.


Re: Impossible de modifier l'écran d'accueil sous W10


Voici une copie de AdwCleaner[C1].txt . J'ai aussi un fichier AdwCleaner[S1].txt

Est-il possible de mettre ces fichiers en pièce jointe ?

# AdwCleaner v5.017 - Rapport créé le 04/11/2015 à 15:39:51
# Mis à jour le 03/11/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2015-11-03.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (x64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Pascal - TABLETTEHP
# Exécuté depu...

Re: Missed remnants

dans AdwCleaner par ****

Many people use AdwCleaner on their own too, but ok, this is your decision.


Please also remove the space before colons in the logfiles if possible.  

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

dans AdwCleaner par notnats

Hello, I downloaded a new copy from Bleepingcomputer and ran the program again this morning. During the run the progress slider stopped at approximately 1/4 of the away across with the wording, I believe, saying "searching for generic elements". It stayed that way for approximately 5 and one-half minutes and (not responding) showing across the top edge of the program. Suddenly the (not respondi...

Re: Cannot get AdwCleaner to work on Windows 10 64bit

dans AdwCleaner par Xplode


Can you provide me with AdwCleaner's debug logfile ? Just run AdwCleaner, click on "Options" then "Activate debug mode".

Try running the scan. Even if it does not complete, you should have a file called "AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxx.txt" inside C:\AdwCleaner.

Please post its content in your next reply.

Moreover, do you have this issue only on W10 64b ? Did you try with other versions ?
