Re: AdwCleaner keeps freezing my entire pc and not responding in general.

dans AdwCleaner par Gauis97

# AdwCleaner v6.044 - Logfile created 08/03/2017 at 21:09:46 # Updated on 28/02/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-03-07.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Username : The Dominater - DESKTOP-C5JO6DS # Running from : C:\Users\The Dominater\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.044.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious s...

Registry Key info. What is this ?

dans AdwCleaner par whatisit

Hi guys I have come across this registry key which AdwCleaner finds. This is not the first time it has found it.

I removed it with AdwCleaner in 2016 and today I scan and see it has appeared again, but what is it ??

I thought whatever it was, was gone for good but it seems not. Its now back.

The key AdwCleaner finds is this {E7BC34A0-BA86-11CF-84B1-CBC2DA68BF6C}

I don't know if this is a fa...


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux

It's a feature that will be included in the coming version.



I have never had any kind of problem using this streaming software. It is really widespread and know to be a safe and good one.

Anyway for me it would be so much helpful to whitelist all the elements, also only for me

Is it possible to tell if removed files (one folder, one registry item) were harmful

dans AdwCleaner par jrbw3mi

Specifically is it possible to tell by what is in my quarantine whether the items found by adwcleaner were using is keystroke logging?  I'm trying to figure out if I need to go and change all of my passwords.


Removed items were:

Folder on desktop (I recognize the items inside this folder and they are all legit).

Registry key:   HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\AppID\BHO.DLL


Thanks very much.

Re: downloading software

dans ToolsLib par fr33tux


Currently, the software is called "adwcleaner_6.044".

It ahould have been downloaded in your Desktop folder or Downloads.


dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


For now we won't remove it from the database, but please share evidences if you think the behaviour is clean.

Best regards,

Re: software inoperable

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


You probably want to click on the [Scan] button before opening the log manager.

Best regards,

downloading software

dans ToolsLib par earle.

Today I downloaded malwareadwcleaner. Now on my computer files I do not see any  files by that name. What  are the file names of this software that resides on my file list to indicate that the program has been properly downloaded?

software inoperable

dans AdwCleaner par earle.

I downloade malwarebytes adwcleaner today. After downloading I was prompted to click on logfiles. I did so but nothing happened and I could not proceed.  Why did that happen and whar does that mean?