Re: AdwCleaner 7.2.0 indicated version?

dans AdwCleaner par cumdacon

Hi, congratulations for this new 7.2.0. Impressive. (It works well on my old Vista too, despite the minimum system requirements: Great!!!). There is not an option - as in the past - to verify the latest build without reaching the official website? while the defs are automatically downloaded, ok. If you can add an option for deleting old logs files, without manually reaching the specific folder....

Is my EXE infected?

Hi, can you please analize this EXE? I found it on C:\ProgrFiles. Is it a trojan? have I to delete it or this my cause issue with HP? thanks a lot. Best regards, here the perhaps infected file: at the moment I moved it into Draft folder.

Re: Adwcleaner vs Malwarebytes

Referring to the FAQ linked above.

Are both AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes needed?

  • Yes!
  • AdwCleaner and Malwarebytes are designed to work well together
  • AdwCleaner specializes in adware and PUPs removal and does not offer real-time protection. It does a more thorough job of cleaning the left-over traces, OS configurations, and system modifications caused by malware.
  • Malwarebytes focuses more o...

Re: Comment supprimer des dossiers vides dans mes images


Cette liste est celle des fichiers dont le chemin d'accès est "cassé" et donc ne peuvent être supprimés.

Si vous avez utilisé la fonction "delete" le résultat s'affiche en bas du tableau en fin de traitement. En principe seuls les fichiers vides et accèssibles sont traités. Certains contenant des données système ne seront pas traités.

Notez que dans la barre de lancement si vous lais...

Help with this Hijack / reg infection

Hi everybody,

I'am in trouble with an infection from a infected installation (all files, archives, download... from this has been removed).

After cleaning all suspicious programs on my compture (with CCleaner), I have clean up all caches files and repair the registre with it.

In third I do scan and clean up with the lasted version of Malwarebytes ; ADWcleaner ; Rkill and UnHackMe. Juste Male...


dans AccessiKey par lafois

j'ai telechargé adwcleaner 7.1.1.exe, l'installation ne se fait pas et délivre le message: "dwmapi est introuvable"

j'utilise windows XP. J'ai lançé cette éxécution 5 fois sans succé.

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

dans AdwCleaner par fleks717

doublechecked too it goes likes this:

survey -> close browser -> run adwcleaner -> pups found -> dont repair -> open browser again AND delete cookies -> close browser -> run adw cleaner again -> no pups found - so 100% cookie related - probably just gathering personal data via those i would guess and making profit over those eventho they pay you for survey 

Removing artifacts from meshes

Hi all,

Is there any way to remove meshes that are wrongly modelled? We have scanned a model, and it seems that someone stood in front the entrance for a while, and the camera considered his head as an object. Now we have a floating artifact in the middle of the entrance. Can it be removed?

I'm not talking about modifying the mesh, as far as I know we can't do it, but this is a floating objec...

Re: Unable to open AdwCleaner 7.1.1.


problem solved by saving AdwCleaner 7.1.1. and in order to open it, I added item to TaskBar. As last step version 7.1.0. was deleted

Thank you and best regards.

Re: AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan

dans AdwCleaner par HiSpeed


Thanks for your help, but in the mean time I deleted the folder as I didn't understand where this stupid folder name was coming from...
