Re: AdwCleaner keeps freezing my entire pc and not responding in general.

dans AdwCleaner par Gauis97

# AdwCleaner v6.044 - Logfile created 08/03/2017 at 21:09:46 # Updated on 28/02/2017 by Malwarebytes # Database : 2017-03-07.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 10 Home  (X64) # Username : The Dominater - DESKTOP-C5JO6DS # Running from : C:\Users\The Dominater\Desktop\adwcleaner_6.044.exe # Mode: Scan # Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious s...

Registry Key info. What is this ?

dans AdwCleaner par whatisit

Hi guys I have come across this registry key which AdwCleaner finds. This is not the first time it has found it.

I removed it with AdwCleaner in 2016 and today I scan and see it has appeared again, but what is it ??

I thought whatever it was, was gone for good but it seems not. Its now back.

The key AdwCleaner finds is this {E7BC34A0-BA86-11CF-84B1-CBC2DA68BF6C}

I don't know if this is a fa...

Re: adchoices

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Can you share AdwCleaner logfile? Usually from C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[Cxx].txt




dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


For now we won't remove it from the database, but please share evidences if you think the behaviour is clean.

Best regards,

win 10 vers 1607 home 64 bit and avira free...

i, since vers 1607 anniversary update there is no way to have avira free in systray..i mean the icon of avira..

is there a way to solve it..??..:

no way to have an useful idead even from their forum...

Re: Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace


C'est tout à fait normal. WiseCleaner installe des logiciels potentiellement indésirables (PUP), de ce fait nous avons décidé de le cibler directement.

Quelques informations supplémentaires sont disponibles ici :

Aussi, je vous invite à regarder la conversation (en anglais) concernant, entre autres, WiseCleaner ici :

Wise Registry Cleaner detecté comme menace

dans AdwCleaner par yo75

Salut à tous,

Je viens de faire l'analyse avec la version adwcleaner_6.044.

Résultat: 5 menaces détectées, toutes concernant le programme Wise Registry Cleaner.

***** [ Dossiers ] *****

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\jean\AppData\Roaming\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Wise Registry Cleaner Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Wise\W...

Re: zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system

dans ZHPCleaner par Destrio5

According to the report, the problem does not seem to come from ZHPCleaner.

Re: Adwcleaner ne détecte toujours rien!

dans AdwCleaner par alfred31

Merci infiniment ,

au contraire ,vous m'avez rendu service

Excellente journée


zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


I was on my old system and I have ran zhp cleaner on it and zhp cleaner have found some items (Probably are files belong to Windows). after that I had to clean it up those found items and reboot my system . and when my system is up once again . the system have a real delayed problem at "welcome screen and desktop and my desktop also have a problem to loaded up with a serious error at startu...