zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


I was on my old system and I have ran zhp cleaner on it and zhp cleaner have found some items (Probably are files belong to Windows). after that I had to clean it up those found items and reboot my system . and when my system is up once again . the system have a real delayed problem at "welcome screen and desktop and my desktop also have a problem to loaded up with a serious error at startu...

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

thxs to you and to yr all precious work and time you gift to us

my consideration is only about the delays in updating that before the malawarebyte acquisition were really not...

but i repeat is only a my personal opinion..

i know you are doing all yr best and more for us!

so we are only anxiously waiting for a new vers of yr precious tool!



Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

hi...today o tomorrow has passed by...

i repeat my personal impression:

the malawarebyte acquisition has delayed yr updates and in my opinion this is unfair

take it as it is..do not worry too much..is only my personal idea






Boost_interprocess folder

dans Désinfection par nbnb

I keep getting this Boost_interprocess file in my AppData folder for one of my PC's. Got a new pc and suddenly boost_interprocess appeared last saturday. I just noticed it today. Tried to run a scan on the files to get file details, possibly information their origin, but was unable to.

Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par fr33tux


Very soon! (today or tomorrow).

i'd prefer more yr updates at least ever 15days..anyway it's only my personal opinion

It will be back to the "normal" release schedule of 3 weeks after the next major initial release.


Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

so when a new update..?

it should be only a circumstance but these delays are related back to yr acquisition by malawarebyte....

i'd prefer more yr updates at least ever 15days..anyway it's only my personal opinion

it is really all up tyo you

thxs for yr precious time you gift to us



Adwcleaning crashing pc

dans AdwCleaner par Juzefina

Everytime I try to scan my pc with adwcleaner It stops responding, and my pc stops to respond too.

Re: Adw cleaner problem

dans AdwCleaner par ojjj

I saw from other posts that you nede debug file also so here it is. 

2017-02-14 16:53:55 : 	<INFO>	[main] - Saving current options to the configuration file
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[main.gui] - Scan requested
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Running from: C:\AdwCleaner
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[scan] - Progress: 0%
2017-02-14 16:53:57 : 	<INFO>	[database] - Checking for datab...

Re: besoin aide pour savoir si c'est une menace


De quelle barre parlez-vous? PaceBarre?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <configuration>     <configSections>         <sectionGroup name="userSettings" type="System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e457" >             <section name="PECECEECECECE.My.MySettings" type="System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection...

Pop optional problem

dans AdwCleaner par markmnc1

I found out I have malware or spyware on my PC.  I have Malwarebytes Premium and have ran that but it still doesnt do the trick.  After googling the problem I realize I need to go to this site (Toolslib) to download adwcleaner so I download that, run it, it comes up with 9-14 pieces of spy/mal/ransommare.  Adwcleaner fixed that problem (supposedly) then reboots my PC but I still have the issue ...