Désinfection de tapsnake, cronDNS, Dubfishiw

dans Désinfection par pisog


Mon pc est infecté par les 3 virus cités ci dessus (j'ai eu cette info par une fenêtre qui s'est ouverte et qui me dit que windows est endommagé!) . Les fichiers infectés : syn32/hidden/Xsnake.ex....Que me conseillez-vous ?

mon navigateur : chrome 

Advanced System Care

I've been using IObit's advanced system care and other progs for a long time now, on recommendation of a techie.  I have successfully told Malwarebytes not to remove it, although Mb obviously hates it.  However, I've just had a problem with recurring PUPs and thought I'd turn to ADW because my current stronger package is playing silly-b's since a recent update.  But it just came up with a board...

lavasoft web companion

dans AdwCleaner par user4747

Hi guys,


I installed the other 'some' tool and while installig this other tool my windows 7 box got infected with

'lavasoft web companion'

obivouly my first weapon of choice was to pick up a new vesion of adwcleaner.

 However the currenct version seems of have problems removing the above named spyware.

However I partialy managed to remove some elements of lavasoft web companion....

ADW Cleaner CLI

dans AdwCleaner par Gamgee

My apologies if this is duplicated elsewhere.

The last update I've seen referencing the ADW Cleaner CLI was almost a year ago.

Have there been any updates? Or is that project now canceled after the acquisition by Malwarebytes?

Any information would be great!

Crash at scan


I'm experiencing a crash when I want to scan. It happened with the last 4 versions.

Here are the logs from windows, and AdwCleaner :

Signature du problème :   Nom d’événement de problème:    APPCRASH   Nom de l’application:    adwcleaner_7.0.4.0.exe   Version de l’application:   Horodatage de l’application:    59f3de9c   Nom du module par défaut:    adwcleaner_7.0.4.0.exe   Ve...

Re: adwcleaner ne veut pas nettoyer


cela me fait peur de démarrer en mode sans échec. Je ne m'y connais pas trop en informatique et déjà que ma connection internet au démarrage de l'ordinateur ne fonctionne pas . Il lui faut un redémarrage à chaque fois. Ce qui est déjà pas commode pour moi. Il n'y aurait pas un autre logiciel qui nettoierait mieux que adwcelaner et qui serait pas trop compliqué à comprendre à moins que...

Re: The tool couldn't kill the adware


We'll take a look at this file and get back to you with more informations.

Thanks for the feedback!

Re: I can't download the tool with EagleGet downloader


EagleGet may need some extra configuration in order to work with our download system. It's a bit more complex than just a direct download link. As you might have seen, we're using "timed tokens".

The tool couldn't kill the adware


I have used the tool trying to remove an adware, but no results.

Here is the link of the malicious file:




It looks like the malicious URL doesn't download the file now, so i uploaded the file here.

Update 2:

After some investigation, it turned out that proxy settings have been manipula...

Re: Win XP support

dans AdwCleaner par Chester

Signed in just to show support for all the windows embedded POSReady systems based on XP out there, which are still being updated until april 2019.


Why is that every single person thinks that if there is an old working machine somewhere it should be definitely full of viruses? That's really annoyin...