An Instant Guide to Installing an SSL Certificate on AWS

Discover the quick and easy steps to install an SSL certificate on AWS for enhanced website security and user trust. Boost your site's SEO and protect sensitive data with our comprehensive guide.

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A 3-Step Guide to Installing a Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate on a Red Hat Linux Server

Learn how to secure your Red Hat Linux server with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate in just three easy steps. Protect your website and sensitive data with this comprehensive guide to installation and maintenance.

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A 3-Step Guide to Installing an SSL Certificate on a Red Hat Linux Server

Learn how to enhance your website's security with our 3-step guide to installing SSL certificates on Red Hat Linux servers. Ensure data integrity and gain visitor trust with secure connections. Dive into our comprehensive SSL installation guide today!

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Protecting Your Online Privacy with Privacy Badger: A Comprehensive Guide

Discover how Privacy Badger, the trusted Chrome extension by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, safeguards your online privacy. Learn how it automatically blocks trackers and offers granular control, empowering you to take charge of your digital footprint while browsing the web.

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Fortifying Your Digital Castle: The Importance of Firewall Security

In an era where our lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric, the importance of safeguarding our virtual domains has never been more critical. Just as medieval castles were fortified to fend off adversaries, our modern-day digital landscapes require protection against a different kind of threat – cyberattacks. At the forefront of this defense stands the firewall, a digital guardian that shields our data from malicious intruders. Join us as we unravel the intricate layers of firewall security, delve into its significance, explore various types, and uncover the best practices to secure your digital fortress.

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Strengthening Web Security: Safeguarding Software Downloads

Ensure Web Security & Safe Software Downloads: Discover the significance of web security and learn best practices for secure software downloads. Explore trusted sources, integrity verification, updates, antivirus protection, and safe browsing. Safeguard your digital life today.

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Defending Against Email Threats: Essential Strategies for Enhanced Cybersecurity

Discover effective strategies to protect yourself and your organization from email threats. From phishing attacks and malicious attachments to business email compromise and email spoofing, learn how to identify and combat these cyber threats. Implementing best practices like email authentication protocols, user awareness, and robust filtering systems can greatly enhance your cybersecurity defenses. Stay informed and stay protected against the ever-evolving landscape of email-based attacks.

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ToolsLib switches to Minio for scale and performance

ToolsLib recently switched to a brand new dashboard. However, behind the scenes, there was another switch happening. We used block based filesystem for underlying storage. However, as we grew, the filesystem was proving difficult to scale.
So, we were looking to move from block based storage to an object store system, when we found Minio. After initial analysis, Minio looked perfect for our requirements and we switched to Minio.

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What we've done in 2015... and what's planned for 2016 !

par fr33tux
A lot of work has been accomplished in 2015, from the opening of new sections on the platform, to the consolidation of the underlying infrastructure.. Thanks to all this work, we are ready to open more features in 2016. Let's see together what is planned !

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100 million downloads contest: Win GlassWire Pro keys !

To celebrate the end of the year and the symbolic milestone of 100 million downloads on ToolsLib, we're giving away 3 GlassWire Pro keys (worth 297$).

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