
on AdwCleaner's page

from DominicDesbiens, (30 october 2014)

J'ai créé un compte sur votre site seulement pour laisser ce commentaire. Je suis technicien informatique en entreprise et sous traitant depuis un an pour ma ville. Nous avons plus de 400 postes à dépanner régulièrement. Votre outil est ma référence depuis longtemps pour supprimer les menaces principales et il a toujours fait un excellent travail (Malwarebytes me sert pour une recherche plus approfondie s'il y a de nombreuses menaces éradiquées par ADWcleaner).

Je n'ai pas utilisé la version 4.002, alors je n'ai pas eu les problèmes rencontrés avec elle. J'avoue que les inconvénients auraient été assez contraignants dans ma situation. Mais je ne peux pas trop vous blâmer car vous me rendez de grands services et me faites gagner du temps.

Bravo à l'équipe en espérant que vous corrigerez tous les bogues de la version 4.

PS : il serait bien que vous proposiez une version de votre application que l'on téléchargerait une seule fois et qui se mettrait à jour au lancement, plutôt que devoir télécharger à nouveau l'exécutable.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (29 october 2014)

Nous sommes conscients des problèmes vous pouvez rencontrer en utilisant AdwCleaner actuellement. Nous avons ajouté un grand nombre de modifications avec la 4ème branche et il y a encore quelques bugs isolés. Nous travaillons dur afin de les corriger au plus vite. Merci de prendre le temps d'examiner avec précaution les rapports générés avant de lancer un nettoyage.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (28 october 2014)

We are aware of problems you can encounter using AdwCleaner right now. We added a huge number of modifications with the 4th branch and there are still some isolated bugs remaining. We are working hard in order to fix them asap.


on AdwCleaner's page

from chrisdelg, (28 october 2014)

Version 4.002
Service Nvidia détecté, est-ce un faux positif ?

Valeur Présente : HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\FirewallPolicy\StandardProfile\AuthorizedApplications\List [C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService\NvNetworkService.exe]


on AdwCleaner's page

from bailona, (24 october 2014)

Please I can not install clennear adw, I can download, I click with the right mouse button to install as administrator but does not install and does not open anything.

Can anyone help me, I am using windows vista 32bts home basic

Thank you


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (24 october 2014)

Since adwcleaner has been updated to 4.0+, I've been having trouble with getting disconnect via Log Me in Rescue in SMWN.

It scans and completes ok, but disconnects when the dialog box regarding "If you have been brought to use adwcleaner.....".

It doesn't happen on every PC, but more of them then not (75%) and it's really causing hiccups in my support. Can this be looked into.

Furthermore, are there any command line switches available for adwcleaner. I'd like to be able to launch it, have it scan, and reboot with no user interaction whatsover.

Let me know on either issue. Thanks!

No One


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (23 october 2014)

I want to say Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You! I was having a terrible problem with Royal Coupon on my computer. I literally stopped using my computer because it was so slow. I had downloaded other programs to clean my computer. Hardly a dent in speeding my computer up. 2 hours ago I downloaded Adw Cleaner. I went for lunch. Came back....And Voila!! My computer works like it is NEW AGAIN! This is amazing. Thank you!!!!!! I will recommend you!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (23 october 2014)

Are there any restrictions on the use of this software? I am looking for a free antivirus software for my company and was wondering if you had any licensing issues regarding this. Also, is there any restriction on free distribution of this software? We would be looking to place this software on a share drive and having users download it from there when needed.


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (22 october 2014)

hi there mr strange..seems like and onde to xp..
anywhere could you pls explain to us WHY
yr is the ONLY among the all bunch of FREE anti malaware sw that has these
lots of BUGS...??!!
could yr pls have the gentle kindness to finally REPLY..??
thx so much in advance :) :)


on AdwCleaner's page

from rose1, (19 october 2014)

When I download and install the software I get a turkish language. Why is that?