
on ZipMax's page

from witypimydu, (21 april 2022)

Riya subunit usually considered a 'ex symbol' is one among the foremost famed and rising star from the land of geographic region. it absolutely was in history that Sharmila Tagore, Suchitra subunit; Mausmi Chaterji etc created their entry within the Bollywood industry and gained fame & recognition and currently its flip of latest Bollywood role player Riya subunit, who is that the next rising star of Bengal during this Bollywood industry.


on AlaTimer's page

from FREEDDAWG, (09 march 2022)

Slots games is on it is the most popular on the domestic gambling market. The Gaminator slot machines that have just appeared in the online casino have made a splash thanks to the introduction of bonus symbols in gambling. Although today their graphics no longer meet the requirements of modernity, these classic slots are extremely popular among players.


on AOMEI Image Deploy's page

from Klais, (11 february 2022)

I recall receiving a request to create texture images for similar materials. But it was difficult to locate something similar, and I didn't have the time to create it from scratch. Fortunately, I was able to find amazing graphic texture images here , so there is no longer a problem, and I can deal with it more than once. I hope I was of assistance.


on Minecraft Plugins's page

from Caseyday, (02 february 2022)

The best in the gaming industry, <a href="">megagame</a> is the ultimate in diverse, unique and constantly updated games with beautiful 3D graphics and stunning effects. eyes as well Feels like a player is really in the game. Makes you play continuously, not bored, can play all day


on TextCrawler Free's page

from HenryMackintosh, (15 august 2021)

Tools lib has a forum about text crawler for AdBlock. They are offering to download the fund toolbox. The software used for making the files of programmers, web designers, data crunches. One must check <a href="">scholarship essay writing service</a> to learn more info to complete their college work. You can download it free of cost. Join it for more.


on UnHackMe's page

from KIMMIN, (16 november 2020)

Your blog is one ofa kind, i love the way you organize the topics.

<a href="" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant-numeric: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; font-size: 14px; line-height: inherit; font-family: &quot;Open Sans&quot;, sans-serif; vertical-align: baseline; text-decoration-line: none; color: rgb(106, 74, 59); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><span>바카라사이트</span></a><br></p>


on GlassWire Network Security Monitor & Firewall's page

from Streuner, (08 june 2017)

After using the program for so long, it stops measuring the data. Although I watch YouTube videos, Face or download a movie, the application marks 0kb and does not display an active graphic. In some occasions the problem is solved by re-installing, but there comes a moment that does not work since it does not measure traffic or anything.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Graphic Designer, (07 september 2016)

I have problems with popups in firefox and Iexplorer to and other Urls like ( adwcleaner not found anything.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (01 april 2016)

Be careful!!!
Adwcleaner ver.5.108
Damage Windows 8.0 Pro.
Possible damage to your computer.
Demage Windows 7 without updating the graphics card.


on WinUpdateFix's page

from jjunkk, (15 september 2015)

Here is the translation to English. I just used Google.
Then I took a screen shot of WinUpdateFix. The you can change the instruction boxes to English. Then print out the altered picture and use that for reference.


OS : Microsoft Windows 7

SP : Pas de données
SP : No Data

Architecture : 64 bits

Session en cours : Corentin
Session : Current

[Windows Update]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Actif (2)
Active (2)

Dernière Maj effectuée le
Last Shift effected

Date time



Mises á jour automatiques
Automatic Updates

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic

[Service de cryptographie]
[Cryptographic Service]

Etat : Démarré
State : Started

Statut : Automatigue
Status : Automatic


Effacer le cataloque des mises á jour
Clear the catalog updates

Réinscrire les Dll
Regester the DLLs

Vider le dossier Software Distribution
Empty the Software Distribution folder

Réínitialíser les paramétres Winsock
Reset Winsock Settings

Supprimer les fichiers temporaires
Delete temporary files

Reinitialiser les descripteurs de securite
Reset security descriptors

Supprimer le proxy
Remove proxy

Restaurer les policies
Restore policies

Effacer la file d'attente BITS
Clear the BITS queue


Tous Aucun
All No



Créer un rapport de
Create a diagnostic