
on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 september 2015)

I would like to personally thank you guys, I have had a nasty piece of adware on my pc for a long time, and I had finally snapped! I couldn't find any help online, then someone discreetly commented adwcleaner! I could not believe this didn't come up anywhere else and it instantly solved my problem! Thanks alot.

BTW - The adware was called DNS.Keeper. Brutal stuff!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (25 august 2015)

@Xplode..This is probably one of the best programs that I have used and has helped me so much when dealing with all those annoying ads on multiple browsers. This program has always worked for me whether I am using Windows.7 or 8; however, I ran into an issues when I was dealing with some malware called "DNS Unlocker." Your program actually removed all the software that was related with "DNS Unlocker," but it was unable to revert the changes that it did. "DNS Unlocker" actually modified my TCP/IPv4 settings and set it from automatic to a custom IP address. It took me a while to figure out why I still had coupon pop ups when I was visiting different sites. I believe since the creator of "DNS Unlcoker" made it possible to change your settings, he might be redirecting traffic through his server which allows him to capture all ID and passwords for any user. Is there a way you might be able to implement a setting on your program to set the TCP/IPv4 settings, which are located under your Network adapter settings, back to default, which would be automatic? This would be so awesome!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (25 august 2015)

also sorry for the spam but here is a way to repair the files that I had trouble with for windows 10

- run CMD an type powershell

type: Repair-WindowsImage -Online -ScanHealth an your fixed

also sorry for spam an not being constructive but please fix this problem as windows 10 is new an this was my second install of Windows 10 running adwcleaner.


on AdwCleaner's page

from jeangabill, (18 august 2015)

Depuis la version 5.000 le résumé de l'analyse est sauvegardé en racine de C: au lieu du dossier AdwCleaner habituel. Obligé de les déplacer après chaque analyse pour rendre la racine plus claire.


on AdwCleaner's page

from PZ67, (15 august 2015)


Je cherche à enlever UNICO BRWOSER de mon ordi.
J'ai téléchargé adwcleaner. Le scan ne voit rien...
Que puis-je faire ?
Je vous remercie pour votre expertise


on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (10 august 2015)

@cocochepeau :
you and xplode are our guardian angels!
thxs so much indeed from the deep of our hearts!
a curiosity some times ago you post here a link to a forum in which we post about adwcleaner, has it been closed or dismissed?
thxs again and forever!


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (10 august 2015)

Xplode is working on version 5.000 that will support Microsoft OS from XP up to 10.
We're working on a new forum, it will be released during the middle of August.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (30 july 2015)

Etant passé à Windows10, quand je demande à ADW de nettoyer les malveillants, cela provoque une erreur critique de windows10 qui dit que le menu démarrer et cortana ne fonctionnent plus et qu'il faut redémarrer. Il redémarre normalement et les malveillants ont disparu. Pas d'erreur critique sans ADW donc il semble bien qu'il soit la cause de cette erreur qui n'est pas très gênante à première vue mais qui peut faire peur.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ciaran, (10 july 2015)

I used Adwcleaner last night, it finally got rid of something nasty in my firefox browser. I'd run 2 tools from Microsoft that came back saying that everything was clean. I'd also tried other anti-spyware tools that the internet said could delete my problem, but after hours of scanning my disk they did nothing. Adwcleaner took less time and actually worked. Bravo!


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (08 july 2015)

You have my thanks good sir. Your program did an amazing job and helped me clean some nasty hijacker that prevented me from doing my daily routine. Hope you will continue your great work cheers from Serbia.