
on AdwCleaner's page

from p060477, (07 september 2015)



first so many thxs again for yr beautiful work!

with latest vers i get a warning about this browser: Torch:

i think should be a false positive

but i trust in yr response!



on AdwCleaner's page

from QuanNHd, (05 september 2015)

Thank group development.
You have one tool user support is great. However, recently I saw many Adware has improved faster, harder to remove and seek more, we create multiple folders and files in the% Appdata% and programdata that Adwcleaner not removed thoroughly, besides lots other offer inserted directly to the browser, it's difficult to find the file, you have any plans for this problem yet?
Hopefully we will soon be put into the software to uninstall completely. Good luck.


on AdwCleaner's page

from QuanNHd, (05 september 2015)

Cảm ơn nhóm phát triển.
Các bạn đã có 1 một công cụ hỗ trợ người dùng rất tuyệt vời. Tuy nhiên, gần đây tôi thấy có nhiều Adware đã cải tiến nhanh hơn, khó gỡ bỏ và tìm kiếm hơn, chúng tạo nhiều thư mục và file trong %Appdata% và Programdata mà Adwcleaner chưa gỡ bỏ được triệt để, ngoài ra rất nhiều offer khác đã chèn trực tiếp lên trình duyệt, việc tìm file thật khó khăn, các bạn có phương án nào cho các vấn đề này chưa?
Mong là chúng sẽ sớm được đưa vào phần mềm để gỡ bỏ triệt để. Chúc các bạn thành công.


on AdwCleaner's page

from jeanpetiot, (05 september 2015)

Bonjour à tous,

Ca fait plus d'un an que je pompe régulièrement adwcleaner qui nettoie avec beaucoup d'efficacité, aussi, je commencerai par remercier Xplode qui rend un très grand service à la communauté ...

Deux petits problèmes rencontrés avec la version 5.004 :

- à la première utilisation, mon Windows 8.1 protégé par kapersky a refusé l'exécution de cette version, très bizarrement après avoir éteint mon pc et l'avoir redémarré quelques heures après ... adxcleaner s'est exécuté

- la proposition d'une mise à jour ne s'est jamais faite

Avec la version 5.005 que je viens de télécharger, pas de souci d'exécution dès la première utilisation

La petite question que je me pose est de savoir s'il y a un bug au niveau de la mise à jour avec la version 5 ?



on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (04 september 2015)

Im not 100% sure but i think that after updating all of my windows 8 drivers
adwcleaner along with rogue killer stop cleaning and instead they ended up freezing my windows 8 laptop.


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (03 september 2015)

I would like to personally thank you guys, I have had a nasty piece of adware on my pc for a long time, and I had finally snapped! I couldn't find any help online, then someone discreetly commented adwcleaner! I could not believe this didn't come up anywhere else and it instantly solved my problem! Thanks alot.

BTW - The adware was called DNS.Keeper. Brutal stuff!


on AdwCleaner's page

from tonimer, (02 september 2015)

A mi me pasaba igual y lo solucioné ejecutandolo como administrador


on AdwCleaner's page

from XJohnstoNX, (30 august 2015)

Turkish language pack income


on TNTCrypter's page

from tonypl6, (30 august 2015)

10 weeks = 200 downloads
Thank you for the usage of the software!

"The only source of knowledge is experience." - Albert Einstein


on AdwCleaner's page

from ****, (28 august 2015)

Hey, any possibility you could whitelist Zoho Assist Remote support software. agent.exe is the file name - thanks.