Re Tom1110: Try NOT to reformat your hard disk so soon unless you absolutely have to -- it's like doing brain surgery for a hangnail -- use this challenge as an exercise to discover, quarantine and delete the culprit -- whatever malware you got is annoying BUT try doing more research online using search terms combined with "Movie Mode" before you resort to reformatting. Combine your troubleshooting techniques with Safe Mode. Do you have a real security program that you've paid for and subscribe to? -- With it you'll be able to get some real professional tech support. Good Luck.
Greetings. I run the program many times and couldn't get rid of Movie Mode (This is the most annoying adware of them all - I think I will reformat my PC). The program does't work with Movie Mode? Thanks.
depuis la version 3.213, 3.214,3.215 toujours le même problème
une dizaine de Pop-up : We intercepted a com Error
puis un message d'erreur line 4416 : Error in expression et Adwcleaner s'arrête.
Il a pourtant détecté plein d'erreurs, mails avec log envoyés à mais sans solution depuis un mois malgré la publication de 2 versions
Adwcleaner mis en défaut par certains virus ?
Greetings AdWareCleaner Users & Developers: I have QUESTIONS please - How come my adwcleaner as an installed application under Vista isn't listed under my "All Programs"? ... How Come adwcleaner deletes installed apps I paid for like my Paretologic Registry Cleaner and its PCHA? Are Registry Cleaners as a group considered potential adware or malware? ... Are they even worth having? Why is there even a tab for Registry Cleaner on AdWareCleaner? ... How come there isn't a preview screen that I can edit before AdwCleaner deletes or quarantines its targeted folders or files? ... The old version of AdWareCleaner I had was installed on my desktop, how come the new one isn't? ... Is there any relationship between AdwareCleaner and MalWareBytes? How can I get back deleted or quarantined applications, files, and folders? Is there a help file I can read to spare us all from my tedious annoying questions? Instead of donating i would prefer a paid application I could buy. Thank you. (and can you post answers to with subject line "AdWareCleaner Queries")
AVS Media Player Problem
AVS Media Player Problem
Link dernière version de adwcleaner a effacé mon logiciel Driver Booster. J'ai dû le réinstaller. SVP, corriger ce bug
Merci, j'avais oublié de le mettre à jour ici.
c'est maintenant chose faite; version 6.0.2
pour info, si les utilisateurs ont le temps de répondre à ce petit sondage, ce serait top: