
on AdwCleaner's page

from Flyzerd, (04 december 2016)

J'aimerais vraiment qu'on puisse faire les mises à jours directement sur le logiciel au lieux de tout le temps devoir la retélécharger, sa serait tellement plus utile.. Mais bon, tant que c'est un bon "nettoyeur" ça me va.


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (29 november 2016)

"AUSLOGIS DISK DEFRAG" que j'utilise depuis des années, viens de sortir comme une menace, alors q'il n'y a rien qui sort dans MALWAREBYTES ANTI-MALWARE, ou HITMAN PRO ou ESET SMART SECURITY..........Est-ce normale???? MERCI.


on USB File Resc's page

from Kalamidad, (28 november 2016)

Gracias ,una maravilla


on AdwCleaner's page

from Joenewbie, (24 november 2016)

I just joined to tell ALL OTHERS out there having issues that this program 100% free 100% working, none of this scan and tell but won't fix until you buy. It ran a scan found 177 problems after reboot I printed out my 13 page report and WOW. It's fixed my problems and got rid of some really bad bugs. I am not kidding 100% free 100% working -THANK YOU


on AdwCleaner's page

from renald02, (19 november 2016)

Est-ce normale que cette application sorte comme une menace ?


on AdwCleaner's page

from nomasvirus, (17 november 2016)

Enhorabuena para los desarrolladores de Adwcleaner, aunque lo haya comprado Malwarebytes, vosotros sois los pioneros de este tipo de software.


on AdwCleaner's page

from kiran, (10 november 2016)

Works perfectly I registered this account just to say thank you AdwCleaner helped me to remove some malware sites


on AdwCleaner's page

from Rafael Vril, (28 october 2016)

Sooo Amazing program!!! I lost my dreams in my pc (Win8.1 Pro -- 64x) I had lost all connection to Internet, since I install a program from a dubious site, this destroyed me all forms of internet connection, I was already thinking of reformatting your pc, when I remembered that one day had gone down version adwcleaner 6010 and thought... why not?, and woooooooooow !!! 445 found strange things in my pc, and more a thing called iSafeKrnlboot, the kidnapping my entire PC. Now I m here, giving testimony for SUPER AMAZING PROGRAM ADWCLEANER


on AdwCleaner's page

from jrnmathewt, (15 october 2016)

I made an account just to say THANK YOU. I've been trying a lot of software and methods to get rid of the pop up ads which keeps appearing in my google chrome.Nothing seemed to work ,until I tried adwcleaner. Thanks a ton to the developers of this app.Keep the the excellent work.


on dl - command line downloading software's page

from yhu420, (01 october 2016)

Hi there, didn't come here in a while but anyway I will answer if some of you are interested. I used AutoIT to write this program, that's why it's sometimes triggering false positives in some antiviruses. As far as I know, this language really tries to use the core functions of Windows, and I think I read somewhere that it is using the same download function than Internet Explorer.
In a nutshell, that's just triggering an Internet Explorer download via the console.