
on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (04 july 2019)

We're working hard on the 7.4 update. Coming soon.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Oracle1984, (30 june 2019)

Adwcleaner, no longer will there be updates?


on AdwCleaner's page

from jeangabill, (14 june 2019)

Bonjour. La version 7300 a été installée le 5 avril, voila plus de deux mois. (vous faites dodo ? LOL)


on AdwCleaner's page

from Lapeyrigne, (19 may 2019)

Bonjour , je voudrai savoir si ce programme est gratuit ? Merci


on GUW - Guide utile Windows's page

from markford24, (14 may 2019)

Windows is the most popular operating system because it uses all over the world. you can read the guide to learn the windows OS.For instant Support related to the Website Development Company in Delhi please visit for the proper solution.


on WindowsUpdateFixer's page

from markford24, (14 may 2019)

Windows operating system is the best operating system. You can set windows to update fixer by automatically updating the software. For instant support related to the AOL Forgot Password please visit for the proper solution.


on USB File Resc's page

from ELVIS1982, (16 april 2019)

Gracias amigo, es un buen aporte para los que necesitan de este tipo de programa, aca en Perú los virus mas comunes son AntiUsbShortCut.exe, AntiUsbShortCut, los autoruns, carpetas con letras por ejemplo: sylpxjfhngmnjjdnfbb, gdfirjymhlkjonjkjik, etc, las extensiones .ink, carpetas newplayndknfnvfjmm.


on AdwCleaner's page

from cocochepeau, (07 august 2018)

@maxgoupil La traduction en portugais est déjà disponible. Rendez-vous dans les options d'AdwCleaner pour y accéder.


on AdwCleaner's page

from maxgoupil, (25 july 2018)

la traduction en portugais est-ce possible Merci


on USB File Resc's page

from Streuner, (18 june 2018)

Hola EmilianoCFacio, si, cuando dá error, automaticamente se genera un reporte con todos los datos que el programa recopila. Me sirve para ver donde ocurrió el error y si el virus está realmente ahí. Los reportes se guardan en "C:/USB FILE RESC" es opcional enviar los archivos al correo.