
on WinChk's page

from aricjoshua, (21 december 2021)

Winchk.exe is a pretty useful tool but some of the problems posed here are related to viruses or trojans. How to know if it should be deleted or if it is a valid Windows operating system file or a trusted application


on RxHash's page

from JanaWhite, (22 november 2021)

I am glad for the info provided here about the netbook cable. Which really saved me from buying. Even though i would have made a survey on blog reviews about this product and only after that decide to buy or not.


on Trojan Killer Portable's page

from EParker, (20 october 2021)

Trojan is a dedicated security software designed to help detect and stop malware attacks from others online. We have a number of Trojan bots on our site, but we have a Trojan Killer dedicated to use against Trojan botnet infections. Here you can check to complete their university work. This program detects the Trojan programs that are used to attack our website and help us protect our users.


on WinUpdateFix's page

from janjouf, (31 august 2020)

another solution for English people


on AutorunsVTchecker's page

from janie991, (17 july 2020)

I think that thanks for the valuabe information and insights you have so provided here. check periodic table [URL=]periodic table[/URL]


on ComboFix's page

from TazzyOpz, (16 january 2017)

I hope this clears up some confusion... Please note that as of the time of writing this message (January - 16th - 2017) Combofix does not currently support windows 10. And hasn't since the release of windows 10. It's unknown if Combofix will ever support windows 10 or not. The supported operating systems are: Windows XP/Vista/7/8.


on AdwCleaner's page

from Matarese, (08 january 2017)

This is the Best,even maybe better than the main MBAM! This software makes wonder ! I had so many trojans,or another malware and a virus which don't allowed me to even log in in the Windows 7,in safe mode I've installed this and the problem was solved ! Amazing...5 stars!


on AdwCleaner's page

from janjanssens, (31 december 2016)

Thanks to the programmers that developed AdwareCleaner. Now my pc is free from popups (SetupWizard) it was hard to find a program to make my pc normal again.


on AdwCleaner's page

from rocdan, (10 november 2015)

Bonjour !
je vous remercie de ce logiciel efficace !!!
la version 18 était détectée comme un trojan et la version 19 ne peux pas se charger :
a détecté une erreur et doit fermer !!
j'ai un pc sous xp et avast antivirus !!!


on AdwCleaner's page

from buckhulk, (05 november 2015)

Important :
Version 5 .018 détecté par Avast comme trojan !!
pareil pour le parefeu windows ...!