Did AdwCleaner Remove Required Registry Files?

In hopes of making my two computers as safe as can be I went ahead and removed the various files that AdwCleaner detected in a scan. However, because I had issues with my computer's hardrive becoming corrupt recently, I'm worried that some of the registry files that were deleted might in fact be necessary ones. Can someone please let me know if this is the case? I've posted the content of the l...

Re: False Positive v7?

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

I am not, just a friendly individual who tries to help people solve problems and learn about the solutions myself :) What other virus scanners and anti-malware scanners have you tried?

False positive?

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Wed Aug 30 21:15:03 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 08-30-2017.1 # Running on Windows 10 Pro (X64) # Mode: scan # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

PUP.Optional.Legacy, C:\Users\Oris\...

Re: False Positive v7?

Upon further investigation, this looks like malware's registry file that wasn't removed correctly, but the rest of the issue was

That seems rather unlikely, because the registery key was the only thing that was detected. To reiterate, before AdwCleaner's database update of August 25 my Adwcleaner scans (and other scans for that matter) were clean. In addition, other virusscanners weren't abl...

Re: Ransomware .shit?

Browsing old threads and safe to say, that Locky won't be decryptable for quite some time. Considering that new versions of it are coming out, making it even more complicated to do anything. You can read more on Malwarebytes and The Hacker News. Even Kaspersky's attempts at that have failed. Hopefully, we can have the master key somehow, or a lucky break in decryption. Other than that, you can ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes during removal of viruses.

dans AdwCleaner par JoshRoss

There can be malware that prevents the full execution of Adwcleaner. Try using RKill and then doing a full scan with the new version that Coco has suggested.

Adwcleaner freezes during removal of viruses.

dans AdwCleaner par zuber

Got 2 viruses and the AdwCleaner freezes  @20% during removal. Microsoft Security Essential and Malwarebytes does not detect these viruses.

No1: PUP.Optional.YahooChrome.     Registry[HKLM] SOFTWARE\Yahoo\SS

No2: PUP.Adware.Heuristic                C:\programData\{D19C2D22-6043-47E7-B400-83A351841204}

Haw, can I remove it?

Re: False Positive v7?

Sure, here they are:

# AdwCleaner - Logfile created on Sat Aug 26 17:05:27 2017 # Updated on 2017/29/08 by Malwarebytes  # Database: 08-25-2017.1 # Running on Windows 8.1 (X64) # Mode: scan # Support: https://www.malwarebytes.com/support

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious services found.

***** [ Folders ] *****

No malicious folders found.

***** [ Files ] *****

No malicious fil...

Re: PUP.Legacy.Optional


Don't panic, this is a classic "aggressive (scam) advertising" and a (real) false 'Zeus' alert! None zeus virus is present on your computer!



I've not seen yet MalwareBytes, ADWCleaner, HitmanPro, uBlock, adblock, a...