Can you poste the whole logfile from AdwCleaner, please?
Did you activate the options "Reset Chrome preferences" and "Reset Chrome policies" before clicking on "Scan" and "Delete" button?
Can you poste the whole logfile from AdwCleaner, please?
Did you activate the options "Reset Chrome preferences" and "Reset Chrome policies" before clicking on "Scan" and "Delete" button?
Just like you I've had the same problem for weeks. Database could not be loaded.
I don't know if this will help you but adwcleaner_5.026 is the last version I can run.
After each new version fails I just run it when I want to clean.
Hope it helps
Have this this browser hijacker on my chrome browser.
Adwcleaner sees it and removes it: that's what the report says:
...\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\hxxp_myinfosearch.biz_0.localstorage
But every time Chrome restarts, the problem is back!!!
Help please... :-(
Ce qui me reste est dans les logs de Malewarebytes :
Le premier == mbam-log-2016-05-25 (14-55-16)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<header><date>2016/05/25 14:55:21 +0200</date><logfile>mbam-log-2016-05-25 (14-55-16).xml</logfile><isadmin>yes</isadmin></header>
Sorry no, because i always throw away the old ones after downloading the new version
this morning i try to run ADW cleaner (adwcleaner_5.118)
but first ik had to download adwcleaner_5.119
after running this the problem probably was solved by it's self
bedause after running adw cleaner adwcleaner_5.119 the problem was not there any more
Thanks anyway for the reaction and when it's star...
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- Désactiver Gestion automatique
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Can you send the debug logfile (from C:\AdwCleaner\ ) ?
Thank you,
Bonne idée,
on decouvre qu'il reste des virus ! "Little Registry Cleaner".... voila les 2 fichiers avant et apres nettoyage.
No1 ___________
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware www.malwarebytes.org
Date de l'analyse: 30/05/2016 Heure de l'analyse: 11:07 Fichier journal: rapport-malware300516.txt Administrateur: Oui
Version: Base de données de programmes malveillants: v2016.05.30.04 Base d...
why is there always a logfile about Uninstaller_SkipUac_rijon
this is appearing in the task schedular after starting iob uninstaller
i do have to remove it from the task schedular will ADW cleaner log will be clean
***** [ Geplande taken ] *****
Taak gevonden : Uninstaller_SkipUac_rijon
I'm not able to run Adwcleaner. I just get the message "adwcleaner database could not be loaded" and it shuts down, also in debug mode and running as administrator.
I'm running windows 10pro