Re: NoScript Suite Lite flagged


Can you upload on the file called "manifest.json" which should be inside this folder ( or one of its subfolders ) : C:\Users\PCUser\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Extensions\ipiopppcaojnchgoepoemlbdccogeije

Then post up2share's link.


Re: Is this a False Positives ?google chrome extension


This FP should be fixed now.


Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115


The detection has been removed from the database.


Re: adwcleaner bug in windows 8.1


Can you share the whole logfile ? (from C:\AdwCleaner\)


Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115


@User547952 : this key does not belong to Mozilla Firefox only. Mozilla Firefox creates this key only for a limited time (the current session). However, we target the same key created by several malwares, which is not deleted when the current session is terminated.

It's a corner case, but we'll look deeper to see what we can do about that..

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-05-06 18:45:56...

Re: help with a script


You should be able to restore all files directly from quarantine manager by clicking on "All" then "Restore", but if it fails, you can download this file :

Then open AdwCleaner's quarantine manager, click on "Load script", select the downloaded file then "Open".

Wait a little bit, then a report should open. Please upload it on Toolslib and post th...

Re: Probablement faux positif v5.115


@User547952 : this key does not belong to Mozilla Firefox only. Mozilla Firefox creates this key only for a limited time (the current session). However, we target the same key created by several malwares, which is not deleted when the current session is terminated.

It's a corner case, but we'll look deeper to see what we can do about that..

Best regards,

Re: help with a script


If you need to restore everything, just open the Quarantine manager, click on "All" in the selection box, and then "Restore".

Best regards,

Re: help with a script

on AdwCleaner by ****

Hi regist,

First of all thank you for the interest, I need to restore everything in Genius folder, 

I'm still waiting Xplode for the script...maybe he's busy


Re: NoScript Suite Lite flagged


Can you give me the whole logfile please ?
