Another twist to the same problem

dans AdwCleaner par Koala

Here is another twist to the same problem.  

On 2019-11-22 I downloaded the beta V8.0.0 of AdwCleaner from  It worked fine..

On 2019-11-22 I visited the website again and saw what looked like the same the same beta.  Except I just happened to notice the note saying 'about 9 hours ago', and happened to remember that I had downloaded th...

Re: Uninstall current version-Pre Installation software deleted-unable to restore

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

as i've already well posted:

" You should also be able to retrieve "lost" files from the Quarantine. "


Re: Uninstall current version-Pre Installation software deleted-unable to restore


I invite you to read the announcement regarding Pre-installed software by following this link:

You should also be able to retrieve "lost" files from the Quarantine.

If you want to manually reinstall HP Support Assistant, you don't need to call HP for their assistance, you can follow this link:

Re: Continuing problems with AdwCleaner 7.4.0 scan- No useful assistance.

dans AdwCleaner par REXX59

Still having problems with latest download.Scan continues to pickup pre-installed software from HP which I DO NOT WANT to remove.  The 1st time I did that it deleted an important self diagnostic product called HP Support Assistant.  It took me forever to reinstall and I'm not sure that it's complete.  I cannot afford to call HP for their assistance.

Right now the dashboard shows 143 total dete...

Re: Uninstall current version-Pre Installation software deleted-unable to restore

dans AdwCleaner par p060477

should have put them in the quarantine them in it


Uninstall current version-Pre Installation software deleted-unable to restore

dans AdwCleaner par REXX59


After new version runs it is not retained by system.  Old version still in place.  

After downloading the new version, the product kept picking up my HP Support Assistant and one other HP Framework item as pre-installed software.  So I thought I followed the instructions, but somehow it deleted those HP items and would not let me restore them.  I have now been trying to restore the...


dans AdwCleaner par p060477

..there is a BUG...if you add an exception then in options - impostazioni- the 3 tabs on the  bottom

to add exception or to modify it or to delete it are all grey NON clickable..



Re: Recovery of win 10 system

dans Hardware par Mikejpeace

 Hello Mrmodo ,

Booting problem is common issue which we usually face. There is several issue of booting problem. Some of them is a single corrupt byte on your hard drive, buggy boot driver or missing registry key. Because the master boot record can become corrupt, damage and disappear. There is some manual recovery option like safe mode, start up repair. It these option works it is good for u...

Remove botton

dans AdwCleaner par cumdacon

Hi, what to do to get the "Remove" botton working? have I to delete manually the files before upgrading? thanks. PS: issue arised in