I would like to translate AdwCleaner into Hungarian.
Please send the language file to kisszalimo [at] gmail [dot] com
I would like to translate AdwCleaner into Hungarian.
Please send the language file to kisszalimo [at] gmail [dot] com
Bonjours a tous,
Petit probleme, j'utilise Bitdefender total sécuritée 2016 ( qui ne détecte rien d'anormal et malwarebyte, aini que zhpcleaner bon...
je passe adware cleaneaner qui m'indique plusieurs probleme et m'indique qu'ils sont supprimer??? et je refais le scan tout est encore la ?? est-ce moi qui...
I see, AdwCleaner flagged the shortcut because of the string "istart" ( which is related to an adware ) inside "inistart.tbs". I fixed the detection and it should be ok now.
GUID stands for Globally Unique Identifier. In this case, the GUID I talk about is this one {10921475-03CE-4E04-90CE-E2E7EF20C814}
According to systemlookup, this entry is classified as borderline. I suggest you to uninstall IOBit uninstaller. If you don't, AdwCleaner will not clean it since IOBit will reinstall it after its deletion. It's up to you.
J'aimerai avoir un petit coup de pouce svp !! J'ai installé sur mon pc ( asus x45c sous windows 7) Spyhunter 4 (pensant que c'était un bon logiciel pour supprimer un "virus") mais quand j'ai désinstaller celui-ci dans panneau de config.. , en redémarrant mon pc je me suis rendu compte que Spyhunter 4 était toujours présent!! En effet lors du démarrage de mon ordinateur j'ai 3 choix qui s'offr...
Microsoft Windows [versão 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>ipconfig /all
Configuração de IP do Windows
Nome do host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : DESKTOP Sufixo DNS primário . . . . . . . . . . . . : Tipo de nó. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : híbrido Roteamento de IP ativado. . . . . . . . . . : não Proxy WINS at...
Microsoft Windows [versão 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. Todos os direitos reservados.
Erro: linha de comando não reconhecida ou incompleta.
USO: ipconfig [/allcompartments] [/? | /all | /renew [adapter] | /release [adapter] | /renew6 [adapter] | /release6 [adapter] | ...
Thanks Xplode.
The Directory Opus issue is now fixed. Thank you.
However, how is inistart.tbs going to start since Adwcleaner removed the inistart.tbs string at the end of the shortcut?
Before cleaning: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\win\tbosdtw.exe"
After cleaning: "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Unlimited\TeraByte OSD Tool Suite Pro\win\tbosdtw.exe...
The task has been removed from the database. The other entry is about an infected shortcut. If you select it, AdwCleaner will clean the shortcut but not deletes it.
Après quel rapport le message est-il apparu ?
Le problème n'avait pas lieu avec une version précédente ? (notamment la v5.115)