Re: AdwCleaner 7.1.1 false positive with Vulkan


The detection should no longer happen. Can you confirm?


Re: False Positive ?


Sorry for the late answer. The World of Warcraft detection will be fixed in the next release. And for FreeDownloadManager it seems we're keeping the detection - so not a FP.


Re: Safe USB ?

Hello alisondmurray

Welcome to ToolsLib Forum ~

I'm not quite sure what you are asking?  If I have to guess are to trying to say how to safely remove USB?  

To safely remove an USB please see this PC Magazine article

Hope this helps.

Warmest Regards.


Re: Hello everyone

Hello and welcome to ToolsLib!

Please take a look at this thread first:


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:51:15 (UTC)

Hi @cocochepeau,

If I may add, in addition to your link above, also include a link (for Newbies) to the forum guidelines/rules.

Just my opinion.  ????


Re: BSOD tcpip.sys? at boot only

Hi there cumdacon,

At the command prompt(admin) type in SCAN /SCANNOW   notice there is a space after SCAN.  At the end of the scan please copy and paste the results in your next reply.  SCANNOW scans your computer for all issues and fixes them if the need be.

Hope this helps.

Warmest Regards,



Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working

I'm glad you like the new version - a lot of work went into it. :)

Feel free to send us feedbacks if you have any.


Re: Adware Cleaner, Can It Really Stop Anything Except Healthy Software?

Hello Ethelena,

Welcome to ToolsLib,

Please answer the following questions in your reply.  First of all may I ask you what kind of

1)  anti virus software are you using? 

2)  What version Awd Cleaner are you using? 

3)  Do you have an ad blocking software installed on your computer? 

4)  Do you have PC Repair installed on your computer?

Warmest Regards,


Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

Hello Fleks,

I see you have a PUP issue(s).  Did you delete the PUP's with Adware Cleaner after you ran the scan?  I don't know where you are located but did you know this study website is in Germany?

PUA. (Potentially Unwanted Application) or PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program)  These are very annoying at best in that they cause pop-us, redirect your browser home page, and other behavior that...

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating


This issue will be fixed in the next release (v7.1).

Hi! When to expect?

pyramida, 2018-03-20 14:56:23 (UTC)

It should be ready for the end of the month or during April.

And we'll try to add more flags in the future. :)


Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating


This issue will be fixed in the next release (v7.1).

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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