what else should i do to permanently remove the threats?
what else should i do to permanently remove the threats?
Can you share a screenshot of the message with the phone number ?
Thanks for this review. Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot ! :)
fr33tux, 2016-09-24 22:27:43 (UTC)
no problem I can help here ! and there is more fake adware websites out there ....
Bonsoir fr33tux.
voici le lien, j'espere que vous pourrez l'exploiter.
I repeatedly get malware that locks up my browser demanding a call to a phone number. Adwcleaner was the only program I found that fixed it - until today, the problem is there but adwcleaner says no threats. Windows 10 IE and edge.
Pensz-vous que mon cas soit désesperer? :(
merci de votre réponse
Vous pouvez sinon recopier le lien (qui doit être assez court) dans votre message.
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Sorry for the inconvenience, it has been fixed a few minutes ago.
Best regards,