hommages aux victimes innocentes

Thông tin về triệu phú mới nhất của xổ số Mega Millions được cung cấp mới đây trong website của công ty, đó là một người đàn ông may mắn, mặc dù ông đã 2 lần bỏ lỡ giải thưởng nhưng sự kiên trì cuối cùng đã đem về cho ông tấm vé số trị giá triệu đô la.


Vị triệu phú may mắn hôm nay đó là ông Leonard Bulmer đến từ thành phố Albuquerque, tiểu bang New Mexico, Hoa Kỳ. Trong tháng 8 vừa qua thì ...

Re: Adwcleaner false positive?

# AdwCleaner v6.020 - Logfile created 01/10/2016 at 07:53:28 # Updated on 14/09/2016 by ToolsLib # Database : 2016-09-30.1 [Server] # Operating System : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (X64) # Username : paulm - DESIGN2015 # Running from : C:\Users\Paulm.TOOLS\Downloads\adwcleaner_6.020.exe # Mode: Scan # Support : https://toolslib.net/forum

***** [ Services ] *****

No malicious serv...

Adwcleaner false positive?

I've run adwcleaner multiple times and I keep getting a threat detected in HKLM/Software/Description.  After adwcleaner cleans and reboots and I rerun it, it keeps showing up the detection.  I have manually looked in the registry and cannot find that folder.  Hidden files/folder is set to show everything.  I have run rkill, tsskiller and mbam which do not find this.

how can I remove this since...

Re: AWD not working

Hi there. I rebooted my PC, and turned off the wifi internet access, and ran it again......as you can see there was a Key Tracing thing.

This has once again installed itself on another pc I have, and imagine it may be back on this pc within 24 hours.

Hope you can offer a solution.

thanks so much!!!

# AdwCleaner v5.117 - Logfile created 22/05/2016 at 18:55:03 # Updated 15/05/2016 by Xplode ...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Disinfection by ****

Here is the log :

Résultats de correction de Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x86) Version:18-04-2016
Exécuté par Paul (2016-04-19 20:58:21) Run:1
Exécuté depuis C:\Users\Paul\Desktop
Profils chargés: Paul (Profils disponibles: Paul)
Mode d'amorçage: Normal


fixlist contenu:
S3 avchv; \S...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Disinfection by ****

Some bad news. I started my PC, ran AdwCleaner and here is the report :

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Rapport créé le 19/04/2016 à 11:00:43 # Mis à jour le 17/04/2016 par Xplode # Base de données : 2016-04-17.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X86) # Nom d'utilisateur : Paul - DESKTOP-AQACG2A # Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\mozOpenDownload\adwcleaner_5.112.exe...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Disinfection by ****

I had already launched Delfix before you asked me to do it : so the desinfection tools were deleted on that instance. I have just launched it once again and here is the report :

# DelFix v1.013 - Rapport créé le 18/04/2016 à 21:42:50
# Mis à jour le 17/04/2016 par Xplode
# Nom d'utilisateur : Paul - DESKTOP-AQACG2A
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (32 bits)

~ Activation de l'UAC ....

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on AdwCleaner by ****

Here is the link to the .zip file :


And here is the ZHPFix report :

Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015
Fichier d'export Registre :
Run by Paul at 18/04/2016 17:56:04
High Elevated Privileges : OK
Windows 8 Home Premium Edition, 32-bit Service Pack 1 (10586)

Corbeille vidée (00mn 06s) Dossier Prefetcher vidé


Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up


Can you create a zip archive of the folder


Then, host it on Up2Share and share the link here.

After that,

  • Please download ZHPFix - Go on the download page of ZhpFix, click on the blue button "Download Now".
  • Launch it with right click : "launch as administrator",
  • Follow the instructions during the installation.
  • Then click on the shortcut f...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on AdwCleaner by ****

I have just run a scan once again and here is the whole logfile :

# AdwCleaner v5.112 - Rapport créé le 18/04/2016 à 11:17:04
# Mis à jour le 17/04/2016 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2016-04-17.1 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Home  (X86)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Paul - DESKTOP-AQACG2A
# Exécuté depuis : C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\mozOpenDownload\adwcleaner_5.112.exe
# Op...

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