Re: Newest adw version detects world of warcraft beta as a threat and deletes the whole thing.

appreciated,hope it was of help eventho it sounded like this was known to you guys before

Re: PUP's from online studies - harmless or not?

well it pays and they are not annoying at all to me - i always do surveys if im bored/close to going offline anyhow so i just do the survey,restart my pc via your adwcleaner and boom,i dont even really see that they are there (i only use this site rarely so i dont mind)

Re: Archive Old Threats

Hi there @cocochepeau,

Create "Archive Old Threads" under forum categories and have your programmer pull into this section all the old threads one year and older.  This would clean up the forum.  Any user can find old threads under this new tab.

Hope this helps.


Re: Hello everyone

Hello and welcome to ToolsLib!

Please take a look at this thread first:


cocochepeau, 2018-03-01 19:51:15 (UTC)

Hi @cocochepeau,

If I may add, in addition to your link above, also include a link (for Newbies) to the forum guidelines/rules.

Just my opinion.  ????


Re: Archive Old Threats


Do you have some examples? Thanks!

Re: when a finally update of this 7.0.8 vers..??

No, we haven't planned to do it in Italian ourselves. However, we can give indications if you want to help.


Re: AdwCleaner has stopped working

Awesome, thanks for your feedback!

Don't hesitate to share any other features and request,

Re: dernière version adwcleaner


Qu'es-ce que vous n'aimez pas dans cette nouvelle version; pouvez-vous développer ?


dernière version adwcleaner

La dernière version de adwleaner est préférence l'autre version.