Sorry, it was ANSI. Please try UTF8 here.
Also, I think you missed one of my messages. What details should I provide about the shortcut path?
Sorry, it was ANSI. Please try UTF8 here.
Also, I think you missed one of my messages. What details should I provide about the shortcut path?
5.035 has the corrected dialog box.
The "Quanratine" folder is the place where AdwCleaner makes a copy of the deleted files in case of false positive.
All elements located there are inactive.
I ran Windows Defender in full scan mode. It discovered Adware:Win32/EoRezo in c:\Adware\quarantine file. It found it in 6 files all the same. Is this bug coming in on the back porch of Adwcleaner?
Ok. Ça confirme donc qu'Enigma n'est pas digne de confiance.
On va procéder autrement :
Nutech2014 :
Can you share a screenshot of this ads on the right screen ?
I also need another logfile, with ZHPDiag to get more information about which elements remain :
En fait, lorsque je me suis rendu compte que SpyHunter et RegHunter étaient des SW frauduleux, je les ai déinstallé avec la manip que tu cites. Les 2 ont bien disparus mais SpyHunter s'éxecutait tjs au démarrage. J'ai du le désactiver des programmes lancés directement.
Ci-dessous copie d'écran de la partie désintal de programme (clique sur le lien, j'arrivais pas à la copier/coller d...
Many thanks, everything is fine now.
Best regards Michael
FP has been fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
would you pls check above mentioned add on for F/P? It works for me for a long time without any problems and was never detected by any other security software.
########## EOF - C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[S25].txt - [7577 octets] ##########
# AdwCleaner v5.035 - Bericht erstellt am 21/02/2016 um 19:09:38
# Aktualisiert am 18/02/2016 von Xplode
# Datenbank : 2016-02-20.3 [Server]
# Betri...