Re: AdwCleaner crashes my laptop running Windows 10


Seems strange, but we'll need to have a look to the logfile to confirm that it's indeed AdwCleaner the cause of your issue, but it's very unlikely.

I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources" but I am not a specialist. 

Can you give me more details on that? When and where did you see "Windows/sources"?

Can you reboot with this liveCD:

AdwCleaner crashes my laptop running Windows 10

After running AdwCleaner windows 10 does not start up. I see the windows logo at start/restart but it does not get to the logon screen but starts flashing. 

I have now the same situation with two laptops. I am very certain that it is due to AdwCleaner because the issue appeared on the second laptop immediately after running AdwCleaner. I think it is due to the removal of a map "Windows/sources...

Re: s768.exe detection


Thanks for the feedback!

Can you share the remaining folders containing the .xpi?

Best regards,

fr33tux, 2016-11-15 19:00:21 (UTC)

Hello, i copy here the log file. You can see the folders address. AdwCleaner say "deleted", but after the system restart, still remain in system. Anyway, i write and repeat here for whom read this post: AdwCleaner makes it's job, isolate and quarantine...

adwcleaner doesnt respond when clearing services

So first im gonna explain my problem, When i run adwcleaner 6.030 (latest version) it works to scan. So i can scan and it finds threaths and stuff but everytime i have tried to use the clean function it says adwcleaner doesnt respond and the program freezes. i have the same problem as this guy: But when i remove th...

Re: AdwCleaner can't remove something

When AdwCleaner freezes (Not Responding) its usually caused by the service ucguard which it finds, but can't remove. Google FreeFixer, download and install it, then disconnect from the Internet, close your browser and run it. It will find the ucguard.sys file and tick the box to remove it (run Fix). Run AdwCleaner agian and you should find that ucguard has gone. If it has, you can reconnect th...

Re: AdwCleaner can't remove something

When AdwCleaner freezes (Not Responding) its usually caused by the service ucguard which it finds, but can't remove. Google FreeFixer, download and install it, then disconnect from the Internet, close your browser and run it. It will find the ucguard.sys file and tick the box to remove it (run Fix). Run AdwCleaner agian and you should find that ucguard has gone. If it has, you can reconnect the...

Re: Soucis avec adwcleaner


Here is what we're going to try:

  1. Download CCleaner from here, and install it.
  2. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  3. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours.
  4. Then in Options  tab > Surveillance, untick the both boxes.
  5. In the Clean tab, click on "Clean".
  6. When the cleaning is done, go in the "Registry" tab...

Re: Faux positif !?

Good !

Thanks again for your help...

Re: Faux positif !?


It's now fixed, sorry for the inconvenience,

Re: problème de désinfection avec adwcleaner


Pouvez-vous utiliser FRST?

  • Téléchargez FRST;
  • Effectuez un clique-droit sur le fichier téléchargé, puis "Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur";
  • Cliquez sur le bouton "Scan";
  • Un rapport est sauvegardé, il se nomme "FRST.txt" et quelques informations supplémentaires sont proposées dans le fichier "Addition.txt";
