Remote Access

My boyfriend was using the computer last night and a box poped up stating that someone was logged in with remote wireless access. I would like to know what that means? Is there a way to find out if someone is hacking into your system? and how I can stop remote access? Please let me know if you can. Thanks

Re: ADW cleaner ne répond plus

bonjour Rosalie

je vois que tu es sous vista 32 bits comme moi, j'ai le même problème, l'analyse va au bout mais le nettoyage se bloque lorsque la barre verte a progressé d'environ 15 ou 20%.

si cela vous intéresse, j'essaierai de vous envoyer les rapports.

je vais prochainement passer sous windows 10.

bon courage,

Torch Browser

Hello, I am so very angry for AdwCleaner !! I used it like 2 years and now ITS UNABSURDABLE ! It completely uninstalled my BEST and My loved browser Torch, I Dont know why, but I dont saw anything after that favorite browser, and last thing, Its uninstalled my audio driver. And NOW, I DONT use it until will be that fixed PERMANENTLY... Bei

Re: SOS, Portable très très très lent


Je vous remercie de votre réponse, vous trouverez à suivre le lien si je n'ai pas fait d'erreurs :

Dans l'attente,


Re: dynacom mystake


Can you share the AdwCleaner logfile?



my pc just started flashing on and off

my pc just started flashing the date and window icon and search button but nothing else loaded


is Utorrent malware?

dynacom mystake

Adwcleaner detect dynacom (comptability official program

If i check my adwcleaner, we detruct this software. Can you correct it?


How spees up the eMMC storage?

I have a new Laptop and I try speed up or to optimize the Drive eMMC , I knolodge is similar like SSD,but I need make sure the right way to do,please any advice as well.