Astrill VPN app

on AdwCleaner by ****

Not sure where to direct this but does anybody have any experience with running adwcleaner while having Astrill VPN service? Seems to come up as a false positive and removes some things from registry after a scan having the Astrill app for their VPN service. I cant conclude if its the actual proxy addon for firefox for VPN to tunnel traffic through that is being removed or what as i have no kno...

Re: AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up


Can you manually uninstall "Rox Player" from the Windows Settings ?


  1. Download CCleaner from here, and install it.
  2. Start CCleaner (there should be a shortcut on your Desktop)
  3. Go in Options tab > Advanced, untick Only delete Windows temporary files older than 24 hours.
  4. Then in Options  tab > Surveillance, untick the both boxes.
  5. In the Clean tab, click on "Clean".
  6. When the cleanin...

Re: ADW Cleaner 5.112 and last 3 versions causing me BSOD Win 10



Relaunch AdwCleaner, and in the Options menu, be sure "Activate the debug mode" and "Reset Chrome preferences" are both checked.

Then, click on "Cleaning". If there is a BSOD, just reboot.

You'll then have a logfile in C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_dbg_xxxxxx.log, please share it as above.

Best regards,

Adwcleaner 5.112 and Google Chrome 50.0.2661.75 m (latest version)

As i do everyday, today I scanned my computer with Adwcleaner after updating the 5.111 version to the 5.112 version, as the sftware advised me to do.

When the scan was finished (telling me no malicious software had been found on my computer), I was shocked to find out there no longer was a Chrome thumbsmark and therefore presumably my Google Chrome browser hadn't be scanned. It happens to be m...

Adwcleaner BSOD on closing processes

I have 2 Dell laptops running windows 10 that keep blue-screening when running adwcleaner's "Cleaning" step, I enabled the debug option, the last process it lists before the log ends is dasHost.exe which is in windows\system32 , file size 95232 bytes , description: Device Association Framework Provider Host .

I won't be able to check back until monday, but if you guys need any more information...


Hi :)

I do a cleanup of the installed software frequently, there should be not to much unknown.

Most of the programs you listed are installed since a while and known to me (some are quite famous like Corel or Paragon), only DocMgr is quite questionable - it isn't listed in the installed programs, and I can find it listed in the start menu.

I ran cCleaner to see if there are invalid registry...

Re: Internet issues after running adwcleaner Winsock2 being deleted


Did you uncheck "Reset Winsock Settings" before doing the "clean" mode ? If AdwCleaner had deleted Winsock entries, they should be listed on the logfile and this is not the case here.

I think it'll be helpful if you could do a snapshot of the registry before AdwCleaner's cleaning and after. You can use a software like RegShot ( ).

With the sna...

Re: infection par locky

on Désinfection by ****


Vous n'avez pas aux remarques du dernier message de Chapi :!messageId-2913

Je ne vois également aucune trace de message demandant la fermeture des sujets similaires sur les autres forums, donc en attendant.. on ne continuera pas ce sujet.

fr33tux, 2016-04-04 09:59:48 (UTC)


problème avec carte sdxc de 512Go sur mon appareil-photo + infecté par le virus Locky

on Désinfection by ****

je poste les 3 rapports zhp, roguekiller, & pre_scan (celui avec locky d'hier):

on essaye de désinfecter/dépanner ma carte et supprimer locky, mon pc n'as pas la forme,


bizarre que comodo n'as pas détecté locky :(

j'ai re-esayé juste un instant la mise en quarantaine des 26...

infection par locky

on Désinfection by ****


Hier soir, vous avez dit:

[i]"Pour ton Pc, ça à l'air d'être devenu un sacré bordel, avec 10 logiciels de sécurité qui tournent en permanance... Ce qui évidemment ralenti le tout... donc si tu veux qu'on nettoie ça ensemble, choisit un forum, et reposte un unique sujet ."[/i]

Et justement, j'ouvre un nouveau sujet pour qu'on puisse continuer la désinfection/depannage de mon ranso...