Re: False positive?

It was an error with two new definitions, sorry about this.

Re: ADW CLEANER can not CLEAN and DELETE and my pc freeze every time when i click on CLEAN - PLEASE FIX THIS ERRORS/BUGS


Sorry to read this.

- Can you share the scan logfile?

Then, can you relaunch AdwCleaner, click on Tools -> Options and tick "Debug" in "Mode" section.

Do a scan and a clean, the crash should still occur. Simply exit the freezed window. Then, host the file "C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner_Debug.log" on and copy/paste here the generated link.

Best regards,

Re: False positive?

so does that mean it was a false positive? i just ran adwcleaner now and it dosnt detect it.

ADW CLEANER can not CLEAN and DELETE and my pc freeze every time when i click on CLEAN - PLEASE FIX THIS ERRORS/BUGS

ADWCleaner can't remove and delete it when i click on the button CLEAN! And ADW Cleaner versions crasht any time and my pc (Win10 x64) freeze every time when I click on CLEAN. Please, fix this errors and bugs so soon as possible!!

Re: AdwCleaner Problème

on AdwCleaner by Yox

En effet, AdwCleaner ne détecte plus ces saletés, merci pour votre taf, bonne journée.

Re: AdwCleaner Problème


C'est corrigé, cf le message juste au dessus.


Re: AdwCleaner Problème

Bonjour ,


Je viens de m'inscrire à l'instant car je rencontre le même problème . J'ai fait plsueirs scan et suppression de cette clé et ses deux clé reviennent sans cesse lorsque je rallume mon pc

Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\{93469602-4134-4012-A6BC-3E73B9855F90} Key Found:  KLM\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\APPID\WinZipSmartMonitorService.exe

Suite à cela j'ai fait un scan en profondeur av...

Re: False positive?

Hi again,

It will be fixed in a few minutes. Sorry for the inconvenience.
