Re: False Positive for GeekBuddy


Can you provide the GeekBuddy detections from AdwCleaner ?

As rufus415 said, GeekBuddy is often bundled with other software and installed without any user consent. If you are a Product Manager, I hope that you'll take note of this remark and stop to distribute GeekBuddy using such a tendancious way.


Re: AdwCleaner Report



Question: while the ZHPFix was running didn't select Remove the application,OK?

You should have to actually. But it's my fault, I haven't explained it, sorry.

To remove it manually :

  1. Go to the start menu
  2. Click on Control Panel
  3. Programs > Uninstall a program
  4. Look for Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0
  5. Right click on it > Uninstall

To do a final check, can you then generate a ...

Re: infecté sur chrome

Bonjour Maxjules.

Pour commencer, on va faire l'export du dossier d'Extensions de Google Chrome.

  • Via l'explorateur, rends toi ici :
    C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
  • Ensuite fais un clic droit sur le dossier "Extensions", sélectionne "Envoyez-vers" puis "Dossier compressé".
  • Un fichier est alors créé.
  • Rends toi sur
  • Héberge ce fichier ...

Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?


Un grand merci pour votre réponse. Je n'ai pas pu effectuer la correction avec ZHPfix, pour la bonne raison que j'ai crié trop vite qu'il avait l'air "tout propre"... le lendemain lors de l'allumage apres avoir rentre le mdp il est resté bloqué sur la page d'accueil de W8 , mais seulement juste l'accueil. Meme pas possible de faire defiler avec la roulette pour voir a droite, et la fle...

Re: infecté sur chrome


On est reparti :

Alors d'abord une petite question, es-tu sûr que le pop-up se lance au démarage du navigateur Google Chrome et pas de Mozilla Firefox. En effet, tes messages MBAM indiquent une connection vers démarré par Mozilla Firefox.

A noté que appartenant à Free, il est probable qu'il s'agisse d'un Faux Positif. J'ai donc contacté quelqu...

Re: AdwCleaner Report

The missing log-file:

Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman,
Update du 19/10/2015
Fichier d'export Registre :
Run by sjb at 12/2/2015 10:12:58 AM
High Elevated Privileges : OK
Windows 7 Home Premium Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Recycle Bin emptied (07mn AMs)

========== Software ==========
REMOVES: Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0

========== Registry keys ==========

Re: bizarre voice in my laptop speakers

on Désinfection by ****

Hi Fr33tux:

i deleted all old files :AdwCleaner[XX] after a new scan and a new cleaning the result is just 

here is the new 

  • AdwCleaner[S5] :
# AdwCleaner v5.023 - Logfile created 03/12/2015 at 10:19:54
# Updated 30/11/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-11-30.1 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 10 Home  (x64)
# Username : Albert - JEAN
# Running from : C:\Users\Albert\Downloads\adwcleaner...

Re: False Positive for GeekBuddy

Thank you for the response.

The problem is that AdwCleaner gives this result any kind of information.Iin addition to that, in such a long list checked by AdwCleaner, it is very hard to find GeekBuddy. GeekBuddy is definitely a different program listed by AdwCleaner in terms of its purpose.  

Re: False Positive for GeekBuddy

Seems to have been happening for awhile for geekbuddy

Maybe your users can uncheck the removal of geekbuddy before cleaning, If they are sure it was installed for a legitimate program and not bundled with other software as mentioned in the article

False Positive for GeekBuddy

Hello, I'm Product Manager of Comodo- LPS Products. GeekBuddy is one of our remote PC support product. For more details please visit Currently, we detected an issue that Xplode AdwCleaner product detects GeekBuddy's shortcuts and registry keys as malicious and deletes them. This behavior significantly effecting our product's functionality. In addition to that, we are receiving...