Problems with adwcleaner

Over the last couple days I've seen a problem with Adwcleaner on two different computers. When I initially run it I get multiple tabs opening in Chrome all pointing to the Malwarebytes website. When I manage to close all the tabs I get the error about *sqlite3.dll being corrupted or replaced. On one I get the same problem when I try to uninstall but the other let's me uninstall with no problems...

zhp cleaner keeps damaging my system


I was on my old system and I have ran zhp cleaner on it and zhp cleaner have found some items (Probably are files belong to Windows). after that I had to clean it up those found items and reboot my system . and when my system is up once again . the system have a real delayed problem at "welcome screen and desktop and my desktop also have a problem to loaded up with a serious error at startu...

Protection for Android

Do you offer a free anti-virus service for Android mobile phones?

Boost_interprocess folder

I keep getting this Boost_interprocess file in my AppData folder for one of my PC's. Got a new pc and suddenly boost_interprocess appeared last saturday. I just noticed it today. Tried to run a scan on the files to get file details, possibly information their origin, but was unable to.

Pop optional problem

I found out I have malware or spyware on my PC.  I have Malwarebytes Premium and have ran that but it still doesnt do the trick.  After googling the problem I realize I need to go to this site (Toolslib) to download adwcleaner so I download that, run it, it comes up with 9-14 pieces of spy/mal/ransommare.  Adwcleaner fixed that problem (supposedly) then reboots my PC but I still have the issue ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes everytime i try to get rid of UCGuard *Please help me get rid of it* And Malwarebytes doesn't detect it

 but it might be gone just im giving it some time.


HunterCutbush, 2017-02-12 19:15:13 (UTC)

Сheck it up and write.

Re: Adwcleaner freezes everytime i try to get rid of UCGuard *Please help me get rid of it* And Malwarebytes doesn't detect it

my problem is that i need to get rid of ucguard but i think it's gone, and every 8-10 minutes i new tab pops up on chrome to a ad page, but it might be gone just im giving it some time.


Re: Problème infection récalcitrance

On va donc supprimer certains éléments avec ZHPFix, voici la marche à suivre :

  • Rendez-vous sur la page de téléchargement de ZHPFix, puis cliquez sur le bouton bleu "Télécharger";
  • Enregistrez le fichier sur votre bureau et lancez-le (par un clic-droit -> Exécuter en temps qu'administrateur);
  • Laissez-vous guider pendant l'installation, à la fin, un raccourci se crée sur votre bureau, lancez-le...

Re: winupdatefix

excusez moi pour l'ecriture, je suis sur un smartphone, du coup ...

Re: Adwcleaner freezes when attempting to remove UCguard and UCguard.sys


it doesn't seem you use the correct fixlist.txt file - please double check with the one on my previous message:

Download fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop (with the name "fixlist.txt")


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