#Wajam #best

Thanks buddy .i used this to remove wajam .Thank god it kicked out the bad ass and my internet speed doubled. Thankzzzzzzzzzzz

Help I need to gain control of my home network and devices again

I am unsure of exactly what happened but I started noticing that my usual sites looked different and the addresses for them had also changed in the address bar. I could type in www.hotmail.com and it would redirect me to https://dub126.mail.live.com/default.aspx?rru=inbox everytime. I started using F12 developer tools to look at the webpages and their sources. I noticed that they all were not t...

Re: SearchScopes in my Internet Explorer Registry

on Désinfection by ****


You may ignore this at the moment - it should be fixed in the coming v6, I'll be back to you at this time if you agree ?


fr33tux, 2016-07-09 09:30:22 (UTC)

So it's a false positive or something?

MadDemon64, 2016-07-11 21:17:59 (UTC)

It is.

fr33tux, 2016-07-12 09:09:00 (UTC)


Re: SearchScopes in my Internet Explorer Registry


You may ignore this at the moment - it should be fixed in the coming v6, I'll be back to you at this time if you agree ?


fr33tux, 2016-07-09 09:30:22 (UTC)

So it's a false positive or something?

MadDemon64, 2016-07-11 21:17:59 (UTC)

It is.

Re: SearchScopes in my Internet Explorer Registry

on Désinfection by ****


You may ignore this at the moment - it should be fixed in the coming v6, I'll be back to you at this time if you agree ?


fr33tux, 2016-07-09 09:30:22 (UTC)

So it's a false positive or something?

AdwCleaner v5.201 > False Positives?

Bon Soir AdwCleaner software development experts,

I ran your tool for the first time today and I have a few 3 concerns [A, B & C]:


A. I noticed that it flags 2 Chrome extensions:

  1. ScriptBlock [ID: hcdjknjpbnhdoabbngpmfekaecnpajba] : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scriptblock/hcdjknjpbnhdoabbngpmfekaecnpajba?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
  2. OneTab [ID: chphlpgkkbolifai...

Re: Adwcleaner broke my web browser

on AdwCleaner by ****

I don't know why it is French version but my network connection is fine and here is a report.


Rapport de ZHPFix 2015.10.19.9 par Nicolas Coolman, Update du 19/10/2015 Fichier d'export Registre :  Run by F at 10/7/2016 22:10:52 High Elevated Privileges : OK Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)

Recycle Bin emptied (00mn 03s) Prefetcher emptied

========== Elements ...

Re: Adwcleaner broke my web browser


Hm, it seems that your proxy is no longer working. We'll remove it with the following, then tell me if your network connection is working. If so, you may reconfigure your proxy if needed.

  • Please download ZHPFix - Go on the download page of ZhpFix, click on the blue button "Download Now".
  • Launch it with right click : "launch as administrator",
  • Follow the instructions during the instal...

Re: SearchScopes in my Internet Explorer Registry


You may ignore this at the moment - it should be fixed in the coming v6, I'll be back to you at this time if you agree ?


plus d’accès réseau suite ADWCLEANER

on AdwCleaner by ****

Bonjour, Depuis un nettoyage ADW cleaner, je n'ai plus accès à internet, ni par cable, ni en wifi. Peu importe l'interface,  Je suis sous Windows 10 Edition Famille. J'ai un triangle jaune avec un point d'exclamation sur le symbole de connexion (cable ou wifi) et celle-ci est définie comme "limitée".  Que puis-je faire ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide