sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced

as the 68894 users this message is really annoying

i tryed to uninstall the adwcleaner from File>>Uninstall and redownload it 

but that did not work


really appreciate your help 

Thanx in advance :D

Re: sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced. (AdwCelaner)

I did the procedure that Cocochepeau said, but I'm still getting the error sqlite3.dll is corrupted or has been replaced.



I'm trying to modify winpese with "modify se "tool no succses.

I tried to add ghost32.exe to the program file directory or other directory but it's wont work, i can't see the file.

I need it to support old images i have.

please someone help

thank you


Merci beaucoup,

Effectivement je lui ai fait parvenir les rapports de FRST.

Apparemment, rien n'est anormal : ce serait un faux positif.

Bonne fin de soirée.



Malekal s'occupe de toi sur CCM.

Re: How to remove “Click To Continue” Ads

Hi, Thank you for your response, I no longer have the screenshot  since the problem has been solved by using the system restore, however the problem started off from running MultiExtractor software that I downloaded from CNET to extract the corrupted backup files and the symptoms were pretty much described here https://malwaretips.com/blogs/windows-pc-repair-removal/ My browser would open multi...


Pas de réponse ?


Re: when a new vers update of adwcleaner?


We are working on the last blocking points, deployment, and initial testing. It shouldn't be long.

Re: How to remove “Click To Continue” Ads


Can you share a screenshot/url showing these ads?


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