Re: Recovery of win 10 system

 Hello Mrmodo ,

Booting problem is common issue which we usually face. There is several issue of booting problem. Some of them is a single corrupt byte on your hard drive, buggy boot driver or missing registry key. Because the master boot record can become corrupt, damage and disappear. There is some manual recovery option like safe mode, start up repair. It these option works it is good for u...

Re: [faux positif] STORE

Merci à vous pour votre réactivité (faux positif  disparu )




sujet clos

[faux positif] STORE



Suite à signalement et essais personnels  je vous signale ce faux positif :

Tout dossier nommé STORE est systématiquement détecté comme malveillant.

Store en anglais, outre de vouloir dire de base "Magasin", veut aussi dire stockage (Storage)

Ce faux positif peu porter atteinte sur certaines machines utilisées dans le commerce, la gestion (entre autre)



menace trouvée: DrvAgent64.SYS - faux positif ?

depuis 8 jours AdwCleaner me signale deux menaces:


***** [ Services ] *****Service trouvé: DrvAgent64


***** [ Fichiers ] *****Fichier trouvé: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\drivers\DRVAGENT64.SYS


-1-   une recherche dans System Lookup n'indique rien d'anormal:

Name Filename Description Status DrvAgent64 DrvAgent64.SYS Related to DrvAgent64.SYS DriverAgent Direct I/O for 64-bit Windows from P...

Adwcleaner false positive

Hi Guys.

Thankyou very much for creating Adwcleaner, it has been very helpful in my work as an IT Consultant.

However, in recent versions, it has been falsely detecting folders belonging to Phoenix by AgData, a legitimate farm management program.

Please therefore add:




C:\Program Files\AG...

AdwCleaner deletes acestream but it reappears after Windows start-up

on Désinfection by ****


After I installed then uninstalled Ace Stream and its Firefox plugin, I ran a scan on my PC with AdwCleaner and found the following entry to delete :


I asked AdwCleaner to delete it, and it was indeed deleted after rebooting and the report said it was deleted. I ran a second scan and AdwCleaner found nothing to deleted, so I thought the probl...

Re: ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't

Not sure about file restore function, but if you are desperate to recover files I have found this tool to be effective (I am not affiliated with them.)