it's the same thing :
i have to scan with debug mod, and unfortunetely, the pc restart with blue screen :
Here is the LOG :
# AdwCleaner v5.007 - Rapport créé le 09/09/2015 à 21:29:53
# Mis à jour le 08/09/2015 par Xplode
# Base de données : 2015-09-08.2 [Serveur]
# Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Nom d'utilisateur : Philippe - PHILIPPE-HP
# Exécuté de...
I just discovered that the Quarantine Manager did NOT return all the files that it said were returned. And all the files are gone from Quarantine Manager now. Not happy.
Without reason ADWcleaner deleted a VERY important folder for my work which I had on my desktop without recent backup!
AlexVarveris, 2015-09-09 08:35:05 (UTC)
Would you please show us log named C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleaner[C1].txt
Did you try to go to menu Tools - Quarantine Manager ? What is located there?
il est vivement conseillé (voir obligatoire dans ce cas) de désactiver votre anti-virus afin de permettre à AdwCleaner de s'exécuter correctement sur votre système. Vous pourrez ensuite le réactiver après utilisation d'AdwCleaner.
J'ai ejecuté adwcleaner mais Norton radar à deleeter l'jecutar. J'ai fait le programme comme admin et ai eu un message de windows ( windows10) de risque mais ai forcer l'Installation.... Comment faire pour le faire runner...
Tu peux tranquillement ne rien décocher. AdwCleaner ne supprime en principe que les éléments nuisibles (en principe : j'ai dû un jour réinstaller un module de Firefox, rien de bien méchant). Et au pire, si qqch bloque, il y a toujours la quarantaine. Tu peux aussi utiliser la version gratuite Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (décoche la version d'essai gratuite) pour les éléments qui reviennent malgré...
I would highly recommend a few improvements that would have prevented or minimized the difficulties I experienced.
1. Display the Log File after the Scan is done, so that it's more obvious what was found before Cleaning starts. My Scan didn't find any "Services" to clean so my GUI didn't change. Even if a display had appeared to indicate I should check all tabs before Cleaning, I might have av...
Logfiles are saved into C:\AdwCleaner as "AdwCleaner[CX].txt" where X is a number.
Moreover, can you also upload Quarantine.log. Then I'll be able to write you a script to restore all your files.
Hmm, okay so it sounded so simple.
Where can I find the Log File? That option is greyed out when I load ADWCleaner.
Also, I can't seem to copy lines from Quarantine. I can highlight lines individually, and I click on "ALL" lines, but can't seem to copy them.
And, FYI, there are thousands of individual files in Quarantine now. If I could restore the whole folder, it would be fast, but copying...