bonjour, j'ai un souci cela fait plusieurs fois que je tente de télécharger adwcleaner et voici ce qu'il me stipule quelqu'un peut il m'aider et me conseiller.
Advanced Uninstaller PRO
Using "adwcleaner_5.114.exe"
Are these false positives ?
Folder Found : C:\ProgramData\Innovative Solutions Folder Found : C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Innovative Solutions Folder Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\Innovative Solutions Folder Found : C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Innovative Solutions
Link to program =
A revi...
Can you generate a ZHPDiag logreport to get more informations on your system ?
Best regards,
Since a 3 month I got a messag from fiber.js on my screen.
How can this be removed, obviously it is malware. If I scan it wiith latest version of Adware I get the message that no infected programs or files have been found.
Who knows the solution?
This is the exact .txt log after keys were removed. Tested it again uninstalled the VPN service app, redownloaded it, and it works. Ran adwcleaner same keys in registry are being found and put in quarantine. Now VPN service is not able to work in openweb.
# AdwCleaner v5.114 - Logfile created 29/04/2016 at 22:20:46
# Updated 27/04/2016 by Xplode
# Database : 2016-04-27.1 [Server]
# Operating ...
Il reste donc quelques éléments à supprimer à la main :
The Chrome (and derivative browsers) preferences are now handled by the option "Reset Chrome Preferences".
The files or folders are still listed as usual, in their respective tabs ("files", "folders").
Please refer to the documentation if needed :
Best regards,
Je vous prie de trouver le lien correspondant au fichier .txt généré par ZHPDiag :
Merci de votre réponse
The dump shows that the BSOD is also linked to PRSvc.exe.. Can you share the associated logfile from AdwCleaner ?
Best regards,
Ok, I downloaded 5.114 today and it gave me the same problem (BSOD with Critical Process Died error upon trying to clean). I uploaded the .dmp file at the link below.