problême dual-boot windows 10 - adwares à l'installation de cyberlink mediasuite 15: infecté par registry first aid & par systweak

Bonjour à tous,

voila depuis le 10 mai sur ma tour et mon notebook,

1) j'ai défragmenté le disque C:/

2) grace à ma clé usb bootable Cubuntu Live Toshiba commandée sur Amazon, j'ai dans la partie live lancée l'installation de Cubuntu pour faire un dualboot windows 10-cubuntu, l'installation à réussi, mais ensuite à sa fin il y à marqué "erreur de création du Grub Syslinux", me privant de boo...

Plantage USBFix


Je suis en Windows 10 64 bits Creators

et j'ai cette erreur


Au démarrage de la Recherche avec USBFix (avec ou sans clé USB insérée)




adsfix ---> Line 22158 (Error)

Hi ! Je suis sous XP sp3. Quand je veux exécuter le fichier téléchargé (adsfix_4_19.05.17.3.exe), j'obtiensune fenêtre AutoIt Error disant ceci : Line 22158: Error : Variable used without being declared :(

Re: A bug in Delfix


We won't be able to share the source code. I was planning to develop a similar tool but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.


cocochepeau, 2017-05-18 12:17:51 (UTC)


Thank You for the reply.

I will be waiting for your tool :) In the meantime I think Delfix should be taken off-line because of the serious bugs reported by the users.

Best Regards.

Re: A bug in Delfix


We won't be able to share the source code. I was planning to develop a similar tool but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.


Re: A bug in Delfix


Any change of sharing the source code of the tool with me?

I would like to continue developing the tool because it's usefll for many helpers.


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3


Yes, the issue was fixed a few weeks ago, I din't post any update about it - sorry.

Do you access ToolsLib through XP SP3? If so, there shouldn't be any problems with AdwCleaner neither.

Can you provide the lines from the debug log?


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3

Has the ability to get database updates with XP SP3 been fixed? I am still unable to get updates running 6.046 running on XP SP3. I have seen in various responses that database updates have been released.

Still getting release number, database and sending stat errors in the debug log.



Re: Plus d'accès internet après nettoyage Adwcleaner

Non je ne peux pas, je n'en est pas sous la main et ni de prise car c'est un pc fixe.

Mais je pense que le résultat sera le meme.


Re: Gismeteo add-on Firefox FP


It's fixed in the next database update (in a few minutes).

Best regards,