Some small regressions

on AdwCleaner by ****


I like AdwCleaner a lot and used it successfully to clean lots of systems of my family and friends.  =)

I found some small regressions:

- Instead of 'Uninstall' the right button should be called 'Uninstall AdwCleaner'. Many people confuse 'clean' with 'uninstall'... But probably this is just a poor translation to German? Instead of 'Deinstallieren' this button should be called 'AdwCle...

Re: HP Client Security Manager détecté par AdwCleaner. Faux positif ?


Il s'agit d'un faux positif. La détection a été retirée de la base de données.


Re: ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't


Can you please provide us with AdwCleaner's logfile so that we will be able to remove it from the database or update our detections ?

You can write a script to restore many files at once. Just put one line per file to restore ( you can extract the lines from Quarantine.log file ) and use "Script" option in Quarantine manager. Put only the original location of each file in your script.


ADWCleaner deleted a folder it shouldn't

on AdwCleaner by ****

I just ran ADWCleaner at the suggestion of the Reddit Techsupport forum, and it removed a very valuable folder.

I found the folder in Quarantine, but I feel that this needs to be looked at further.

The folder that was deleted was a save folder for a variety of modded Minecraft games. There is an online community on Reddit where these games are discussed, and a standalone Launcher that downloa...


J'ai mon PC qui est très lent et qui n'a même pas un an, qui mouline en permanence et plante sans cesse Firefox. Jai découvert en bas à gauche un renvoi vers "". On me dit sur les forums qu'il faut s'en débarrasser. j'ai trouvé ADWCleaner, je l'ai lancé. Comme je suis nul en informatique et que je suis incapable de cocher ce qu'il faut supprimer, j'ai à disposition mon rappo...

Re: Internet exploreur n'apparait pas dans Adwcleaner


Depuis la version 5 , l'onglet "Internet Explorer" a été supprimé et les clés de registres relatives à Internet Explorer sont maintenant listées dans l'onglet "Registre".

Les préférences d'Opera sont listées dans l'onglet "Chrome". En fait, les préférences de l'ensemble des navigateurs basés sur Chrome ( c'est à dire Chromium, Opera, Chromodo, etc.. ) seront listées dans l'onglet "Ch...


on AdwCleaner by ****

I just want to add that i want to get rid off ads by DNSunlocker and another one that opens a new browsertab with various get rich quick schemes or earn plenty dollars when you click on links in legitmate webages like


on AdwCleaner by ****

I download adwcleaner from bleepingcomputer and run the file. adwcleaner the opens. I activate debug mode. I do scan and it finds all sorts of bad stuff. I do cleanup. popup comes "all programs will be closed to proceed......." I click ok. Moments later it goes to a blue sceen like this . It then takes awhile for the machine to boot...

Re: HELP [How do I make Adw clean Opera browser?]

Perhaps kcekjm mean Opera Presto which is different from Chrome based one.

Re: adwcleaner vers 5.0.3


I've updated the documentation accorded to your suggestion.

  • "Reset IPSec settings" : Reset IPSec settings. It's a protocol used to established encrypted connection between hosts. It can cause connection troubles due to specific malicious software.
  • "Reset BITS queue" : Empty the "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" queue. It's used to transfer files (like software or signatures u...