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AkamaiHD installe d'autres logiciels douteux.
La suite :
RogueKiller V12.10.2.0 (x64) [Mar 27 2017] (Gratuit) par Adlice Software
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Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 (10.0.14393) 64 bits version
Démarré en : Mode normal
Utilisateur : ALAIN [Administrateur]
Démarré depuis : C:\Pr...
I figure by now you probably have figured it out, but I came across this when I was still looking for answers. 3 hours later I was finally free of that crap.
I basically ran malwarebytes (I turned on search for rootkits under settings just to be sure), AdwCleaner, HitmanPro until nothing was found before finally removing google chrome completely. And the real problem was that the url redire...
adwcleaner a trouvé 25 menaces et je ne sais pas si je peux tout supprimer. Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider ? Merci d'avance !
Voici la copie du rapport :
# AdwCleaner v6.044 - Rapport créé le 28/03/2017 à 16:56:11 # Mis à jour le 28/02/2017 par Malwarebytes # Base de données : 2017-03-28.1 [Serveur] # Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 Pro (X64) # Nom d'utilisateur : regine - ...
AdwCleaner only targets the following type of malware:
Also, the next major version of AdwCleaner (v7) will be much more powerful against them.
If you have some more informations about new forms of Adware, PUP, .. we would be glad to get your detailed feedback!
This is not a FP - we target Advanced SystemCare following those criterias.
Best regards,
fr33tux, 2017-03-24 06:28:40 (UTC)
Thanks fr33tux for quick reply and I apologize for late response. After reviewing your criterias and trying to remove Advanced SystemCare from my computer, I can now understand why you guys are tageting this software. I'm now having such a hard time to comp...
Pieces of my Advanced System Care were deleted, and it is now unusable. That is software that I paid for that I can't use. ASC has become a popular application because it does what it's supposed to. You can't simply delete, or disable it because you don't like their marketing. That puts AdwCleaner in violaion of those criterias, and I am now owed $19.99.
Ne Oublie
Hello there;
I've been using both software AdwCleaner and Advanced SystemCare for quite sometime now, they worked well together and there was no problem so far until recently I've come across the problem that AdwCleaner detected Advanced SystemCare 10.2 pro as PUPS then deleted the software folder. My question is why all of the sudden the Adwcleaner wants to get rid of the Advance SystemCare? ...
Este software puede Mejorar tu PC y Repararla sin descargar nada más utlizando un menú básico y sencillo.
Como funciona: Primero esta hecho con el simbolo del sistema, Tiene algunas ordenes de reparacion automatica y otras inician progrmas ya instalados por defecto en tu PC para Reparar o dar Mantenimiento.
- Libera especio en el disco duro (Elimina archivos basura inútil)