Re: My software not shown under recently updated tab in the footer


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you just replaced the older file. It does not work like that anymore with the new version history system. In order for us to know when a software has been updated, you need to add a new file (the new version) each time you want to update it.

Take a look here:


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?


I'm really sorry for the delay.

- For both computers:

You have MBAM 2 installed, can you uninstall it and install MB3? Then, do a scan with it and share the generated logfile.

- For DesktopB:

I don't see anything suspect at first glance, I'm still looking at it.

- For ALaptop:

More after the MB3 scan :)

Thanks, and sorry again.

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Ok, message sent now via "toolslib Contact", with links and password. thanks.

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, I just remember...I have an account in Google Drive I upload the files and I send the password via you will see reports and an previous full memory dump. thanks

Plantage USBFix


Je suis en Windows 10 64 bits Creators

et j'ai cette erreur


Au démarrage de la Recherche avec USBFix (avec ou sans clé USB insérée)




Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Bonjour, I already wrote to you per email one month ago, now I'm registered and I post here on the forum. I am cumdacon and I posted 2012 on the forum "general changelog". In the meantime I see that you changed the forum adress and switched from ZHPdiag to FRST. Vista ended its main support one month ago, [Office2007 is still receiving updates at least until september and Firefox 52ESR until at...

Re: A bug in Delfix


We won't be able to share the source code. I was planning to develop a similar tool but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.


cocochepeau, 2017-05-18 12:17:51 (UTC)


Thank You for the reply.

I will be waiting for your tool :) In the meantime I think Delfix should be taken off-line because of the serious bugs reported by the users.

Best Regards.

Re: A bug in Delfix


We won't be able to share the source code. I was planning to develop a similar tool but I haven't had the time to work on it yet.


Re: A bug in Delfix


Any change of sharing the source code of the tool with me?

I would like to continue developing the tool because it's usefll for many helpers.


Re: Adw Cleaner compatible Windows XP sp3


Yes, the issue was fixed a few weeks ago, I din't post any update about it - sorry.

Do you access ToolsLib through XP SP3? If so, there shouldn't be any problems with AdwCleaner neither.

Can you provide the lines from the debug log?
