Re: when a finally update of this 7.0.8 vers..??

..are you able, -at least-, to read 2 simple charachters..??..:

" 08 Feb "..:

are you able to count -at least- from 08 feb to 25 March...??

now reply -cleverly-



Re: when a finally update of this 7.0.8 vers..??


Maybe your brain is end of life, not AdwCleaner. The database is updated several times a week.

Can you stop repeating the same thing ? It looks like a scratched disc.

AdwCleaner Deleted one of my folders

Hi all. AdwCleaner deleted one of my files with pictures that took over hours to make and I already tried to restore the file by using the quarantine manager, but the manager isn't showing any files in it. However, going into the AdwCleaner, I can find the folder of quarantined items there. Can I just move that file back to my desktop since it's not showing in the quarantine manager? 

Here's t...

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

It should be ready for the end of the month or during April.

And we'll try to add more flags in the future. :)

cocochepeau, 2018-03-21 17:36:05 (UTC)


Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating


This issue will be fixed in the next release (v7.1).

Hi! When to expect?

pyramida, 2018-03-20 14:56:23 (UTC)

It should be ready for the end of the month or during April.

And we'll try to add more flags in the future. :)


Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

@cocochepeau Add badges of other countries to the forum. I'm from Kazakhstan, not from America. I have another flag :)

"Akorda"(White Orda) it's as White House in Washington :)

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

This issue will be fixed in the next release (v7.1).

Hi! When to expect?

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly

No worries! Glad to know it works as expected. :)

Re: ***caught unhandled unknown exception; terminating

sorry guys this was my mistake,i did not realize that i hadnt uninstalled all iobit software,they had installed another app without my knowledge,once i uninstalled it and rescanned it removed all closed.

Re: ADWCleaners is downloaded with corruption constantly


Can you try again? It should be fixed.


cocochepeau, 2018-03-19 18:14:09 (UTC)

Yes, it works :)

Sorry that I couldn't help with this manager I use. I just couldn't sign in to the forum of this manager and didn't have a reply from admin there.