Fichiers indesirables que adw cleaner ne supprime pas


adw cleaner me trouve 2 fichiers indesirables

Dossier trouvé:  C:\Users\Fabrice\AppData\Roaming\.acestream Dossier trouvé:  C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\freemake shared

Mais apres un nettoyage par adw cleaner quand je scanne a nouveau ils sont toujours la.

Que faire? sont ils vraiment dangereux ?



Re: Infection ou pas?

Bsr :-)

Voici le lien pour trois rapport:

Merci pour votre aide.


Re: Infection ou pas?

Bsr :-)

Voici le lien pour trois rapport:

Merci pour votre aide.


Re: Infection ou pas?

Bsr :-)

Voici le lien pour trois rapport:

Merci pour votre aide.


Re: Not a single one is appearing


I think the author of Pi Board will need some more details in order to help you - for example your configuration file if you have one.


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hello, thanks for your reply and the great help. I just snapshot B-Desktop too.

I attempted to upload the bsod big log file (surely there is the name of the driver causing the crash), the uploading process told me "2 hours remaining" but at a certain point 22 hours seems a very hard task to upload this file. Reagrding MB3 the problem in my opinion is that it is not boundled wit...

Re: Anti-Virus publishers Blocked??


Can you please execute this software?

To use it, simply execute AVCertClean.exe.

A logfile will open at the end, please host it on and share the link in your next reply.


Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

Hi, today I had the first "real" bluescreen after 11th april.

Boot > manually update CID database (in a few secvonds since the defs has been updated yesterday) > end of downloading process > bluescreen BAD_POOL_CALLER 0x000000C2 !! 

Reboot: CIS updates has not been installed! CIS is now dowloading a big database file: 270MB!! In CIS scanner folder the file "bxxxxxxx.cav" cannot be deleted sin...

Re: Cleaning process for both Vista32: there is something to be erased?

The test is running (now 4 pass....) I hope to find the log after pass 8th, anyway I will take photos....[In the meantime a full - 4 hours long - scandisk said me that the HDD is ok with zero damaged clusters].

Re: My software not shown under recently updated tab in the footer


Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you just replaced the older file. It does not work like that anymore with the new version history system. In order for us to know when a software has been updated, you need to add a new file (the new version) each time you want to update it.

Take a look here:
