quatre services malveillants trouvés et pas de nettoyage...

on AdwCleaner by ****

bonjour, j'ai effactué plusieurs essai de nettoyage, en vain, il y quatre services malveillants trouvés dans 3 rapports , cependant ils ont disparus sans rien faire, comme ci il s'étaien fixés en cache sans laissé de trace, je ne comprends pas...


Service trouvé:  {12EDE90F-974F-491C-847D-58276D9BC47A} Service trouvé:  {2B7E04F5-E908-49E5-AC9F-7910A309088C} Service trouvé:  {313B8B52-D588-4B...

Re: AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.


How do I paste .jpg/.png, for future reference?

mnf, 2016-08-20 08:15:26 (UTC)

You'll have to host it somewhere (imgur, up2share, ..) and then just use:


Registry-Einträge beantandet aber Dienste nicht gelöscht

AdwCleaner beanstandete im Modus Löschen mehrere Registry-Einträge für Dienste.

Nach dem anschließenden Booten stand im Protokoll jedoch für alle diese Dienste:

Dienst nicht gelöscht: ....

Wozu gehören die Einträge? Kann oder sollte etwas dagegen getan werden?

Hier der Textteil des Protokolls:

***** [ Dienste ] *****

[!] Dienst nicht gelöscht: {4FB69548-2AC1-48DC-896B-5042EC4B4278} [!] D...

Re: faux_positifs ?


Thanks to support team for the quick response !

Now AdwC 6.0 loads the corrected database and...works fine !!!

The bug is fixed.

Kind regards,

Re: Adwcleaner v6.0.0 & Roboform

Merci beaucoup !

Je vais en informer les concepteurs de Roboform qui m'avaient demandé de les tenir au courant !

Bonne joournée et bon week-end

Re: AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.

on AdwCleaner by mnf

Hi, it is fixed - I scanned again and "0" threats detected.  I'm posting the logfile anyway in case it may be of use to you.  Thanks

P.S. Here's a simple copy/paste of the header. I tried to paste screen shots but I got "Reply invalid, must be between 3 and 50,000 letters."  How do I paste .jpg/.png, for future reference?

# AdwCleaner v6.000 - Logfile created 20/08/2016 at 07:32:29 # Updated ...

Re: AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.


Can you share the whole logfile please ? (especially the header)

This has been fixed in a database update a few moments ago.

Re: AdwCleaner 6.000 keeps crashing the PC on clicking Clean button


Great, thanks. Can you share the new AdwClean scan logfile ?


Re: AdwCleaner 6.000 keeps crashing the PC on clicking Clean button


Here you go. MWBAM did quarantine quite a lot of stuff. Morevoer I can still see about 16 odd threats in AdwCleaner.




Where can I get the Last Version? Can't seem to find it on any reliable sites.

AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete detected threats.

on AdwCleaner by mnf

Hi, AdwCleaner 6.0 won't delete or quarantine 14 detected threats on my XP Pro SP3 PC...

Service Found:  {11EDDD1D-DFC8-4DFA-B7B9-825B6FCA35AA} Service Found:  {1322F580-6C1B-4A61-8B17-53132A05E06A} Service Found:  {3F432BB7-D3B0-470E-94CD-65D58C350CD1} Service Found:  {5B9AB0EA-70EC-4323-BE8A-2DC8F2F1B1CC} Service Found:  {5E0183F2-EEF6-45ED-B137-D7906F9D4D6C} Service Found:  {6B3EF700-E3CD-4...