Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Here's the logfile

# AdwCleaner v5.022 - Logfile created 23/11/2015 at 16:08:08
# Updated 22/11/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-11-22.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Username : My Computer - MYCOMPUTER-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\My Computer\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe
# Option : Scan
# Support :

***** [ Services ] *****

Suggestion: Add an "ignore AOL" option

I use AdwCleaner on a lot of home computers, and they invariably are using AOL. AdwCleaner seems to think the AOL toolbar is malicious along with a bunch of registry entries pertaining to AOL. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't think this is true. I'd like to request that you add an option to ignore AOL so that the install of AOL does not get corrupted by deleting parts of it.


Thank You!


Re: perte image écran contrôle AVS Video Editor après un scan/nettoyage AdwCleaner


Ça me paraît donc correct de mon côté.

Si vous souhaitez une analyse plus poussée de l'ordinateur, n'hésitez pas à revenir vers nous.

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Thank you for getting back to me.

Explain please how to insert an image that resides on my computer, or upload a file.

I have no trouble knowing where my AdwCleaner logfile is located.


Re: AdwCleaner v5.022 veut détruire un dossier légale.


Pouvez-vous me fournir le rapport complet d'AdwCleaner ?


Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.


I'm here to help you, and to be sure that all items detected by AdwCleaner must be delete, I will need more data about them. So can you post us the entire log file in your answer ?

You can find it in C:/AdwCleaner/AdwCleaner[SX].txt where X is a number.


Re: ADW Cleaner wants to delete about 40 HKCU and HKLM key and val files


I'm glad I could help you,

Don't hesitate to come back if you have an other question or issue.


Re: ADW Cleaner wants to delete about 40 HKCU and HKLM key and val files

Chapi,   OK. Thanks for helping me. I deleted all the toolbars and unwanted extensions ADW detected. All looks good so far.

Re: ordi troyenné comment éjecter l'intrus?


excusez le temps de réponse, j'etais chez mes enfants.

Voici le rapport de ZHPDiag pour cet ordi asus, apparemment il est tout beau tout propre :)

Pourquoi y a til toujourrs des "trucs"  qui trainent avec macaffee que jai viré en suivant la procedure a partir du panneau de configuration?

et comment faire pour desactiver ou desinstaller le smarts...

Re: perte image écran contrôle AVS Video Editor après un scan/nettoyage AdwCleaner

suite :

erreur de frappe

Premier constat : l'ancienne version n'a trouvé que 3 clés