Plus de connexion depuis un scan ADW cleaner


Depuis un nettoyage ADW cleaner, je n'ai plus accès à internet, ni par cable, ni en wifi. Peu importe l'interface, je reçois une adresse qui a pour format 169.254.x.x

Seul ce PC a ce problème. Je suis sous Windows 10 Edition Famille. J'ai un triangle jaune avec un point d'exclamation sur le symbole de connexion (cable ou wifi) et celle-ci est définie comme "limitée". Le PC est égalem...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Ok, before using a script to eliminate all remaining threats, I need you to tell me about some software that I don't know :

Do you know :

  • BankId
  • Turbo Tax ( 2010 2013 2014)
  • Quick Tax
  • Memorex exPressit Label Design Studio
  • arcadeparlorconfig

You also have some uncommon Firefox's extensions such as video downloader, a new theme... Do you want them ?

You have a lot of security software. Some...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Ok, If i understand, you upload the report on the upshare platform.

Sadly we can't access it if you don't give us a link to it.

So can you repeat the upload, and give us the link.

To do that, just follow fr33tux instructions. If you block on any of those instructions, just tell me, and I will make them clearer.


Just to help you for the logfile part :

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

I selected Browsing (the Report is signed by barsim) and Sent the file, where only 1 bug was discovered. It wasn't cleaned yet.

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

Hi.  Curious work indeed !!!

We all talk about the application itself, but...

...perhaps the bug is in the downloaded catalog ???


Bonjour. Fonctionnement vraiment déroutant !!!

Nous mettons tous en cause l'exécutable en lui-même, mais...

... peut-être le bug est-il dans le catalogue téléchargé ???

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.


Just to help you for the logfile part :

  • Go to
  • Click on "Drop your files here". A window will open, browse to your desktop. Double-click on "ZHPDiag.txt".
  • The file will be uploaded on A link will appear, just below the blue square, in the form "". It's this part you need to copy and paste here.


Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.

The Cleaning Report:

# AdwCleaner v5.022 - Logfile created 24/11/2015 at 15:49:43
# Updated 22/11/2015 by Xplode
# Database : 2015-11-22.2 [Server]
# Operating system : Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (x64)
# Username : My Computer - MYCOMPUTER-PC
# Running from : C:\Users\My Computer\Downloads\AdwCleaner.exe
# Option : Cleaning
# Support :

***** [ Services ] ...

Re: I'm not sure what to clean/remove.


All theses entries are about : toolbars, extensions and potentially unwanted programs.

You can remove them all by launching again AdwCleaner and choosing the cleaning button.

Can you then post here the cleanning report ?

As AdwCleaner only check for a category of malware, can you follow those instruction to make a deeper analysis of your computer :

  • Download ZHPDiag from Nicolas on h...

Re: i was locked out of my windows 10 pc


Unfortunately, I'm quite pessimistic..


  1. What exact error message are you receiving while you try to log-in?
  2. Are you logging-in using Microsoft User account or Local User account?

Did you already reboot your computer ?


Re: Suggestion: Add an "ignore AOL" option


Can you share the whole logfile(s) showing these AOL entries ?


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