ADWcleaner et XP pro 32 bits plus compatible?


Possesseur de XP pro 32 bits, j'ai toujours utilisé ADWcleaner sans problème, jusqu'à la version 5.018.

En effet, depuis cette version et la 5.019 impossible d'utiliser ADW.

Soit j'ai une fenetre d'erreur Microsoft (ADWcleaner à rencontré une erreur et doit fermer)

Le mode débogage ne donne rien.

Et l'exécution à partir du "compte administrateur" ouvre ADW, mais le scan bloque à h...

Re: AdwCleaner download/installation identified as threat by Norton 360


"bab6.tmp" is not affiliated with AdwCleaner... Can you give a screenshot about the detection message ?

Thank you.

Re: Quel logiciel pour ma panne ?


En mode normal, lancez AdwCleaner, cliquez sur "Options" et cochez les options suivantes :

  • "Réinitialiser les paramètres Proxy"
  • "Réinitialiser les paramètres Firewall"
  • "Réinitialiser les paramètres TCP/IP"

Effectuez alors une analyse suivie directement d'un nettoyage. Dites-moi s'il y a du mieux pour la connectivité.


AdwCleaner download/installation identified as threat by Norton 360

on AdwCleaner by JF1

Specific file selected as threat was: "bab6.tmp" containing threat ""

Norton prevented me from installing.


Re: Quel logiciel pour ma panne ?

Oui merci, Mais pas d'internet et toujours un arrêt si long.



Re: AdwCleaner suddenly stops


I was replying to the error that tipi mentionned, I'm still working on your error.



Re: v5.018 is detected by Avast! Free as Malware/suspicious


of course that's a false positive. It will be fixed asap. :)


cocochepeau, 2015-11-05 15:19:31 (UTC)

Avast solved but still have 1 false positive

Re: Problem AdwCleaner


Signatures are automatically updated if the computer has an active network connection. Otherwise, AdwCleaner use the embedded database.

I hope that answers to your question ?



fr33tux, 2015-11-06 19:40:59 (UTC)

Problem is automatic, please activate to offline update signature and give imrpot file to adwcleaner it is important for people.

Do you think  Comodo Cleaning ...

Re: windupdate


Ok. We'll do a small analysis to check something..

  • Download RogueKiller here
  • Execute the file "setup.exe" as Administrator (right-click on the file -> Execute as Administrator"
  • The pre-scan will occur, please wait until it ends.
  • Then click on [Scan] on the right hand corner. Wait until the scan finish.
  • Finally, host the generated logfile on and copy/paste here the provide...

Re: windupdate

on Windows by ****

winupdate automatically installed in a language other than english. I need to change it