Oh, sorry I misunderstood.
So no, we'll remove every tool we used at the end, including ZHPFix :)
Can you regenerate a ZHPDiag report to make a last check ?
Oh, sorry I misunderstood.
So no, we'll remove every tool we used at the end, including ZHPFix :)
Can you regenerate a ZHPDiag report to make a last check ?
If reading the privously/lastly submitted ZHPFix report correctly, the Adobe Shockvawe 12.0 was removed according to the quote below:
"Recycle Bin emptied (07mn AMs)
========== Software ==========
REMOVES: Adobe Shockwave Player 12.0"
I was reffering to removal of ZHPFix itself in my Question while it was running the first time and generating report to desktop.
I have NO issues left anyway...
So, I don't see anything who could create such an issue for the speakers.. It's really strange. Does the problem persists when you plug external speakers ?
We have some stuff to remove :
Script ZHPFix:
O43 - CFD: 29...
I will help you to clean your computer.
First thing you need to know is that to do that, we won't use every tools existing praying that this would be enough.
That is not a good way to eradicate malware. Instead, we will use first a diagnostic tool, and when we will know what is in your computer, we will use the tool designed for removing that malware. So please, stop running every too...
Hi Fr33tux:
here is the report file afetr performing a scan with ZHPDiag:
the sounds is like some vibrating voice that make a part of video sounds not clear.
thank you
Excusez-moi du délai de ma réponse. Si vous voyez que le délai de réponse ou prise en charge dépasse trois jours, n'hésitez pas à poster un petit rappel.
Ensuite, désinstallez McAfee via le panneau de configuration.
Une fois fait, on va...
Can you provide the GeekBuddy detections from AdwCleaner ?
As rufus415 said, GeekBuddy is often bundled with other software and installed without any user consent. If you are a Product Manager, I hope that you'll take note of this remark and stop to distribute GeekBuddy using such a tendancious way.
Ok. We'll take a look on the other part of the system :
The sound in your speaker sounds like "what" ? Parasites or something more spe...
Hm, c'est étrange. Est-ce qu'il fait un bruit particulier lors du "freeze" ? (ou une absence de bruit justement)
Avez-vous réussi à démarrer via une clé USB Linux ?
Bon couurage,
Bonjour Maxjules.
Pour commencer, on va faire l'export du dossier d'Extensions de Google Chrome.
C:\Users\max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
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