Re: besoin aide


j'ai tout fait mais ensuite en cliquant sur go , le nettoyage a commencé puis le PC s'est eteint avec erreur critique

je l'ai redemarré mais aucun fichier text et le probleme persiste


Save to Pocket Extension incorrectly identified as malware

Hey there! 

We have received several reports that AdwCleaner are mistakenly identifying the Save to Pocket extension as another extension that is known to be malicious. This extension appears to be using our unique identifier, and therefore users are being told to uninstall the Pocket extension incorrectly. 

Any ideas of how we can remedy this? It's a shame that users are being told to remove...

Re: Windows 10 Crashing


Same as here we'll need the list of running processes :

  1. Launch Powershell from the Applications Menu
  2. Write the following command in the opened window and press [Enter] :
Get-Process | Out-File Processes.txt


 In your personal folder (C:\Users\xx), you should get a file called Processes.txt. Please paste it here or host it on Up2Share as before.


Re: besoin aide


Ok. Trois autres lignes à supprimer :

  1. Exécutez ZHPFix (l'icône doit être présente sur votre bureau)
  2. Cliquez sur "Importer"
  3. Collez dans la fenêtre le contenu suivant, puis cliquez sur GO
Script ZHPFix

G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia]  mgamelhnfokapndfdodnmfiningckjia
P2 - EXT FILE: (...) -- C:\Users\Patrick\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox...

Re: Nettoyage Général


Ok. Tu peux refaire une analyse avec la dernière version d'AdwCleaner ?

Tu as le souci du "https rouge barré" sur tous les navigateurs ou qu'un seul en particulier ?

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

on AdwCleaner by ****

"Can you send us the Scan Report in order to investigate what caused the issue ?"

Wasn't that what I sent in my original post?

-- Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

Okay, sorry I misunderstood what you were saying about that folder. You should be able to restore it thanks to the Quarantine Manager. Can you send us the Scan Report in order to investigate what caused the issue ?

When I read those three lines, it seems that the folder has been deleted on the first line and it can't be deleted once more.

Xplode is the developer behind AdwCleaner.

Did you un...

Re: New user - puzzling behaviour

Greetings terrypin,

first of all, sorry for the delay of my answer.

1. Deleted folder

I don't understand how I should interpret these entries: ***** [ Folders ] *****

[-] Folder Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio
[!] Folder Not Deleted : C:\Docs\radio

terrypin, 2015-09-14 07:46:49 (UTC)

Folder is deleted one time but AdwCleaner just made some duplicates by mi...

ADWcleaner looking for non existent hard drive

I've been using this software for years.  Today I ran it and it said "There is no disc in the drive.  Please insert a disk into Drive Device/hardisk/DR2".


I have tried running ADWC several times, including downloading it.  Checked my computer drives (C & D (data)) and they are fine.  Have no idea what this means.  To add insult to injury the only way to delete this popup is to use file mana...